How To Fight A Rat Infestation?

How to fight a rat infestation?

An infestation of mice or rats is one of the most annoying and dangerous plagues. These animals reproduce quickly and consistently. There are numerous methods to combat these rodents.

Mice lurk in the most unexpected places. In addition,  their urine and feces increase the risk of disease. They can also be a threat to the animals that hunt them; a bite from them can convey anger.

The simplest way to avoid a rat invasion is through hygiene. However, once rodents have settled in a home, it is important to exterminate them as soon as possible. The assistance of some experts on the subject could be for you.

A rat infestation: how and where

Mice reproduce very quickly; in a year they can have about 5 litters composed from 1 to 12 specimens. This could turn an invasion into a real plague.

These rodents can cause diseases such as hepatitis, salmonella, cholera and rabies, as  well as causing structural damage,  as they can gnaw on electrical cables, wood and many other objects.

two hidden mice

The easiest way to detect the presence of mice is through the presence of feces. Their urine also has a distinctive odor that is easy to recognize.

How to fight a rat infestation?

  • Specialized assistance. If it is a sore, it is worth seeking the help of experts. Although it can be expensive, it is still an effective method; furthermore, extermination may include cleaning up the environment after surgery.
  • Use of chemical elements. Fighting a rat invasion with chemicals is the most effective way. However, you need to be careful, as they can be toxic to both animals and people.
  • The application of these products must be carried out by specialists. Their use is only recommended when the infestation cannot be fought with conventional mouse traps.
  • Traps. There are many models of mouse traps. From the classic ones with the metal hook to the electric ones that cause an electric shock to the animal. However, they download quickly.
  • The most used traps are those with the hook, with glue and those in the shape of a cage. The ones with the hook are the cheapest, but you need an appetizing lure to bring the mouse closer. The same goes for those with glue.
  • The cages are the most recommended by ecologists and animal rights activists. This is due to the fact that the mice are neither injured nor killed, but are trapped.

Homemade remedies to combat a rat invasion

  • Preparation of baking soda. Mix 200 grams of sugar with one cup of wheat flour and one cup of baking soda; bicarbonate causes air to enter the animal’s body, causing its death.
  • A cat in the house. It is not a myth that cats are excellent rat exterminators. Their urine also functions as a repellent.
  • The smell of mint. Mint can ward off rats. You can sprinkle the corners of the house with mint infusions, but also place plants in front of the door or windows.

rat in the sewer

Measures to prevent a rat infestation

  • Keep all spaces clean. The accumulation of organic and inorganic leftovers attracts the attention of the mice. For example, drawers are their favorite places to eat and nest.
  • Do not leave waste or food exposed. If you think you have mice in the house, put all the food in the refrigerator.
  • Pay attention to your pets’ food. For mice, other animals’ food is tempting. Controlling it also prevents food from being contaminated.
  • Close all disused accesses. This includes pipes, drains, or pet ports that are not used. Don’t forget that mice can climb and enter from any hole.

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