How To Help Animals In Italy?

How to help animals in Italy?

In Italy there are several organizations, foundations and associations whose aim is to help animals. At the basis of their mission is the idea that the respect, love and affection we feel for them become the engine of the daily struggle in favor of all those faithful animals forced to suffer the mistreatment that some men reserve for them.

Find them a happy place to live

dogs of different breeds

Author: Vicki Warwick

To be useful to our animal friends, it is important to find a suitable place where they can receive love, friendship and loyalty. It is also good to help control the stray dog ​​and cat population. What you will do is a service to society, helping to improve health, solidarity and security in our cities.

The options in Italy in this regard are many. Become a member of an animal protection association, adopt at a distance, adopt a dog or cat at home, report mistreatment and thus contribute to spreading respect for animals, avoiding unexpected pregnancies, and so on.

How to help animals

Below we will show you some ways to help animals in need.

Become a member of an animal protection association

Among the options aimed at helping associations of this type, it is possible to: collaborate in awareness campaigns for adoption, support legal initiatives, participate and advertise for events or conferences related to the topic, as well as help centers in any other way reception.

Organizations that also include one or more animal shelters will also need help to feed the creatures they host, as well as to provide them with appropriate health care. Furthermore, they will have to bear the costs of maintaining the installations.

The members represent a fundamental element for the maintenance of these associations. The decision to join and donate your share in defense of animals therefore becomes a fundamental action to protect our friends most in need.

The first thing to do is to select an association whose mission agrees with the ideas of those who want to associate. Dues and benefits (which often include receiving their magazine at home) vary by association.

Distance adoption

Distance adoption consists in periodically donating a predetermined amount of money. In this way, the adopter can personally contribute to the maintenance of the recovered animals that live in the kennels. Some associations send an album with pictures of the animals and a brief history of each to the person who is about to become “godfather”.

Adopt at home

Adoption at home is not only a solidarity choice, but also a necessary one. In Italy the kennels are overflowing with animals looking for a home.

Adopting a dog or cat responsibly is the best way to offer a home to a pet in need, also offering it all your love and attention. Some data on adoption in Italy state that about half of the dogs in kennels and shelter centers for dogs end up going up for adoption.

Avoid unwanted pregnancies

Each year the kennels are found to welcome large numbers of dogs and cats from unwanted pregnancies. Furthermore, dogs often reach kennels for the purpose of relocating their owners, other times for economic reasons. A good remedy to solve the problem of unwanted pregnancies is that of sterilization.

Report abuse

Reporting mistreatment is also an important social action in favor of animals. The Italian authorities collect every year thousands of reports of mistreatment and violence against animals, including blows, abandonment, lack of care and nutrition, torture, etc.

The commitment of citizens to denounce and make known to the competent authorities the cases of mistreatment on animals, implies a joint and rapid action on their part against this type of illegal acts.

Another option is to report videos showing animal abuse scenes uploaded to the Internet. Complaints can be made through the police – Guardia di Finanza, Forestry Corps, Traffic Police etc. – or by contacting directly the associations for the defense of animals, which often have a legal consultancy office.

Volunteer to help animals


It is good to know that each animal protection association has its own policy for selecting volunteers to help them in their daily work. If you are interested in collaborating with an association of this type, try to contact it by phone or e-mail.

The associations will take note of the data of the person who proposes himself as a volunteer. The volunteers will then be placed on a list, in order to be called when they are needed.

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