How To Keep A Cat Indoors In The Best Way

How to keep a cat indoors in the best way

Many things are always said about keeping a cat at home. Some claim that they are not very affectionate animals. Others that their independence tires. Yet the reality is quite different. So let’s find out how to better live together with these beautiful cats.

A cat in the house: here’s what to know

Felines are an excellent company for people. It should be borne in mind, however, that they are animals different from dogs. Their personality and lifestyle is different, but still special.

If you want to keep a cat at home, therefore, forget that it comes looking for you at all times, wagging its tail happily. If you are looking for this type of effusion, well, better adopt a dog.

A cat’s displays of affection happen, but in a different way. It will slowly approach your legs and point. This already means a great deal to him.

The fact that they are active, independent hunting mammals does not mean that they are cold animals. However, they need attention, caresses and affection. Their degree of domestication is lower than that of dogs, so you just need to have more patience and calm.

Tips for keeping a cat indoors


If you are planning to adopt a cat, here’s what you need to do. First you will have to think about transforming or making your home a suitable and safe place for common life with an animal. Cats, due to their physical qualities, can reach any point, even high up. Without forgetting any damage to furniture, walls and objects of fabric or wood. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • If your home has terraces or balconies, access to dangerous places must be blocked to avoid falls.
  • Protect, remove or move decorative objects that can be touched or bumped by the passage of the animal.
  • Keep chemical or harmful products out of reach of the cat, such as detergents, insecticides, detergents …
  • Remove sharp objects, plastic bags and anything that poses a danger to the cat from circulation.
  • Keep the oven, washing machine and dishwasher closed, places where the animal could end up hiding: the cat loves to hide.

What to keep in the house for your cat

Once you’ve tidied up and protected the house, you’ll need to create a space for your cat. It is a place dedicated to him,  which must include some indispensable elements, including:

  • The litter box. Choose one that is large enough for the cat to be comfortable and can hide its feces well.
  • Scratching post. The cat will look for a place from the beginning to sharpen its nails and this object will prevent the animal from using wooden chairs or furniture.
  • Toys. They don’t necessarily have to be expensive, choose balls, mice, which can roll and make noise. They will be used to entertain and relieve stress on your cat.
  • Nail care. You will have to cut them once in a while, to avoid that the animal is not dangerous and does not get hurt.
  • The hair. It is important to comb the cat at least twice a week.
  • Food and rations. Follow the instructions of the veterinarian, do not overdo the doses and opt for good quality organic products.
  • The kennel. Even if the cat is used to sleeping everywhere, teach him to rest outside the bedroom, even better if in his kennel.

    Living in the house with a cat

    Among the duties of the owners there is also that of accustoming cats to coexist with other pets. A cat can befriend a dog or other types of companion animals. You will have to be patient in this, the cat will accept cohabitation only after a certain period. Present it to others with caution, letting them sniff each other.

    To live with a cat adequately, you need to be able to build a healthy relationship with this mammal. Learn to identify sound and movements, always taking care of its needs in a careful and responsible way.

    Benefits of having a cat at home


    Having a cat at home means fun, company and happiness. Contrary to what many people mistakenly think, this feline will fill your life.

    Just think of the huge amount of videos available on the Internet that almost always have cats as protagonists. They are funny, nice and cuddly.

    In addition, they are perfect for city life: they are quiet, extremely clean, independent and respectful. Without forgetting their marked intelligence.

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