How To Make The Dog Respond To Calls?

How to make the dog respond to calls?

How many times have you called your dog up to scream but without getting results? A positive attitude in adult dogs is the result of a good education. Good training from a puppy’s age is in fact the key to getting your dog to listen to you as an adult.

If you have an adult dog and are tired of the fact that it does not come when you call it,  here are some tips to make your dog respond to your calls.

Advice on how to educate a dog

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Before starting our journey on how to make your dog come to your call, we want to give you some basic tips that will help you educate your dog at home. You need to make him understand that there are rules inside the house and that he must respect them.

From 4 months of age you can begin to educate your dog, always with perseverance and a lot of patience. The first order he must always obey is to answer when you call him. You can use short, clear or concise words like “come”, but always remember to use the same word for the same order.

The order must always be accompanied by body language, some gesture that impresses well in the dog’s head what you want to get from him. Do not forget to reward your pet when he obeys you, it is very important that he knows that he has done his duty well and that he will be rewarded for this.

You have to be strict about implementing the rules ; for example, if you want your dog not to ask you for food while you are at the table, you must always maintain the same position without giving in to his blackmail. In fact, if he notices a weakness on your part, you will never get anything.

Everyone who lives under the same roof must behave in the same way, keeping orders in mind in every situation.

Educating a dog to come to your call

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The first thing your dog needs to learn is to come to your call. This is essential for his education and to prevent him from running into danger, such as running away and getting under a car, or getting lost when you go for a walk.

The place of training

The training must begin at home, in a place where there are no distractions. Show your dog the prize, which can be a treat or his favorite toy, move away from him and call him by saying the word “come”; when you see it approaching, say “yes”, and when it comes, give it the prize. You will have to repeat this process several times, until your call can be answered without the need for rewards.

The looks

It is very important that your dog gets used to looking at you, in order to gain his trust in this way. Whenever you talk to your dog or give him an order he will have to look at you. To make him look at you you can play a very simple game : put his favorite toy right in front of him and don’t let him touch it, just let him look at it. He will have to look you in the eye to ask you.

This exercise should be done daily and rewarding the dog every time he looks at you.

The treats

As with humans, dogs also like treats, which for this reason are a great tool for training. Use the ones he likes best such as biscuits, and you will see that he will already be more inclined to pay attention to you. Talk to your dog to get him to look at you, give him an order with the word “come” and if he comes, give him the treat.

Constancy and patience

These are two key words to get the dog to rush to your call. If you do the exercises irregularly, your dog will forget them. You will have to train him every day, and keep in mind that you will probably not get any results immediately, but that with patience and repetition you will succeed.

Don’t even forget to caress him and show him your affection, he will be grateful to you.

Positive attitude

You will need to be able to create a good working environment for you and your dog, shouting and anger are not allowed, just as you would never hit a child. If your dog doesn’t respond to your calls, you won’t lose your temper. This training must be carried out with affection, your dog must feel relaxed and consider it a game, not a punishment.

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