How To Put Order In The Chicken Coop

The hens are the ones who establish the hierarchy through quarrels among them. Once established, all will respect it and man will not participate in any way in this battle, except in cases of extreme necessity.
How to tidy up the chicken coop

Organizing a group of chickens is not a task in which man plays a particular role. The birds themselves take it upon themselves to maintain order in the hen house. After a few days, the hierarchies are determined and everything follows its natural course.

There are studies showing that these birds are incredibly territorial animals. They need to delimit the rank that everyone occupies in the hierarchy. Based on this classification, they interact with each other. Here’s how to  tidy up the chicken coop.

How the hierarchy that puts order in the chicken coop is determined

If there are only hens in the hen house, power will be disputed through quarrels. The strongest will eventually reach the top of the coveted hierarchy. The time it takes to determine it will depend on the number of components involved.

During the disputes for leadership, the pecks will dominate. Man must not intervene unless the harsh attack of several hens against a single animal occurs.

Once the pecking order has been established, all the hens will respect it. The dominated specimens will lower their heads in front of the dominant ones who will not be challenged again. The more timid will even flee when the stronger ones get close to their space.

Rooster in the chicken coop

If there is a rooster in the coop, it will take power naturally and without encountering any resistance. The gender dominates and, subsequently, the females will follow in order according to the hierarchy we talked about earlier.

Categories of roosters according to hierarchies

  • Hostile dominant. This is the most aggressive rooster. He has constantly violent reactions against the rest of his comrades. Dominate through combat.
  • Friendly dominant. It only intervenes in the interactions of other animals at certain times. They are intelligent and do not get carried away by impulsive reactions. 
  • Hostile submissive. They are the ones who are in the last  place in the order of the hen house; they generate distrust and remain isolated because they are attacked by others when they approach.
  • Friendly submissive. A little above the front group, but still pushed aside. They do not inspire confidence and have been mistreated in every chicken coop.

Every time a new member arrives, the hierarchies change and the hens have to find their place again in the social order. So the dispute process begins again.

Human contribution to keep order in the hen house

Humans do not have to participate in the definition of the ranks that birds deal with. However, they  can work together with other actions to keep order in the chicken coop.

Chicken coop

  • Quantity and condition of drinking troughs. It is important to maintain a quantity of troughs that respects the quantity of birds. The fact that everyone has access to it will prevent possible unrest.
  • Large feeders. Food must also be accessible to all. If the feeders are small, it can cause serious disputes or cause some hens to never be able to eat.
  • Daily collection. Eggs should not be allowed to accumulate in the hen house; they must be kept in suitable places. In order for hens to lay their eggs, they need peace of mind in the space set aside for this activity.
  • Promote a good rest. It is also worth organizing how the hens will sleep. For example, place several baskets so that they can rest, distributing them in space and at different heights.
  • Intervening in excesses.  When there are struggles for power, sometimes it is necessary to intervene to protect a dominated one who is attacked by a group.
  • Expand the space. Have a large space for a chicken coop, where the hens can move freely and look for insects without bumping into the others all the time. The size of the space also influences when it comes to avoiding various disputes over the territory that they yearn for so much.

The order in the hen house is established as a whole. Man is responsible for offering all the factors related to the environment; that is the basic structure of the space and everything that has to do with the care of birds, with the way they are treated and with the products that are used for their care.

However, the tranquility in the place is given by the way in which the hens interact in this environment. Their gender, their personality, their strength or weakness mark the rank, respect for strength is responsible for the rest of the coexistence.

The moment a hen separates from the chicken coop, it must be understood that a new revolution will occur. The same is true when entering a new bird. Patience, attention and time will be needed to restore order.

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