I Will Continue To Love You Even After Leaving

I will continue to love you even after leaving

The abandonment of dogs continues to be a problem that afflicts our society and it seems that, rather than diminishing, it continues to have disturbing proportions without being able to find adequate solutions. We have always treated the issue from a human perspective: those who abandon without any sense of guilt against those who love animals, full of sadness and indignation for this fact.

But from a dog’s perspective? How will abandonment be interpreted from their point of view? We tell you a heartwarming first-person story from the life point of an abandoned little dog. It will help you understand that there is no being more loyal than a dog.

walking dog

I’m always the first to wake up, I don’t even know if it’s already day but I’m not sleepy anymore. It is still a long time before Mom and Dad wake up. Oh! The door is opening, they are already dressed! Will they take me for a walk?

They come out of the room with a suitcase, what good will it do them? Shall we move house again? But that’s my leash! So they take me for a walk, I don’t know if I would be able to jump higher, I want them to know how happy I am, how grateful I am that they take me for a walk. Going for a walk with mum and dad is one of the things I love the most. I remember each of the walks we took together.

Mom is already putting the suitcase in the car, will they still go on vacation? I don’t want to go back to that terrible dog hotel where they treated me so badly. I want to go with them!

Dad helps mom to unpack and… wait! Puts me in the car too. Good! I’m going on vacation too! Thanks to my beloved parents and friends for all this love, for not wanting to part with me even on vacation.

Suddenly the car stops. Thank goodness, I really have to pee. I go down and do it, mom gives me a caress and dad throws me a ball. They even thought about playing with me for a while on the way! How can I return so much love?

I run towards the ball with all my strength, I want to beat my record and make them proud of me. I take it and when I turn to go back to the car … the car is gone. Where did it go? I look desperate in all directions, I run in panic looking for them on the horizon. Mom, Dad… where are you? Thank you for taking me for a walk and for all the love you give me.

My love for you goes beyond death

With my head down, not fully understanding what is happening (perhaps they have forgotten that I was with them and will soon come back to pick me up), I start walking scared, there is no one on the road and the cars go very fast. Where are mom and dad? I need them!

I arrive early in a village, some children come up to me and caress me, it seems that they like my fur, a lady throws me something to eat as if I were a stray dog. Or maybe they are? I feel dirty, I don’t know how long I have been walking and I am grateful that the lady gave me something to eat, because I was starving.

Why is that man dressed in black running towards me? I don’t like her shoes, they are very big, better get out of there. What is it that they threw at me? I can’t run! It’s some kind of network … I knew that guy was not to be trusted. How cold is this car! There is no warm, soft seat to curl up on like in Mom and Dad’s car. Maybe the man in black will take me to them, maybe he knows them!

I don’t think mum and dad came to this place on vacation, it’s ugly, it’s full of cages and cold, shiny tables. Don’t put me in this cage! Here I will not be able to run, I will not be able to jump, I will not be able to eat. What time will they take me for a walk?

I soon realized that I would never get out of there, that my parents wouldn’t come back, that the man in those awful shoes wouldn’t take me for a walk. Sometimes some people come up to my cage and say nice things to me, but that doesn’t make me happy.

I just want to go home… even if you leave me


One day they let me out of the cage, I thought they had found mum and dad or that they had come back to get me, but they put me back in that cold table to pay me one of the usual visits.

Today they have a very long needle, it is better not to resist, as it would not be of any use. From what I remember it is just a little pain that soon passes. They always told me it was for my own good, but this is making me sleepy, I want to sleep, better lie down… I’m a little nauseous.

Now I understand everything … now that I can see everything from above I understand that mom and dad have abandoned me, perhaps because I was a bit old now, in fact now they have a new friend who looks a lot like me. I can’t hold a grudge against them, I look at them with gratitude and affection because they helped me to be a happy dog ​​and you know what? If I could come back to earth again and they gave me a choice, I would choose them again. Even if you have abandoned me, I will always love you. Just the way I am.

Because my love for you goes beyond death. I will continue to love you despite everything.

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