Influenza In Dogs: Symptoms And Treatment

The flu in dogs: symptoms and treatment

The flu is a very common disease, both in people and in animals. In dogs this disease has the particularity of being very contagious, so today we will tell you how to treat it effectively.

A viral disease

Influenza is a disease  that is transmitted by air from one individual to another,  and is very common during the change of seasons. It is not a fatal disease, but it can get complicated and serious.

The main symptoms are  sneezing, coughing and  both nasal and oral discharge, which can clog the canals in dogs. Although it spreads in aerial form, the virus can be active on objects  or even on people who have been in contact with infected dogs.

dog sitting on the street

This  does not mean that dogs contract the disease from humans and vice versa. In fact, each virus has similar genetics but some differences, which make them affect each species individually.

The flu  is quite common in kennels and animal shelters,  where health checks are not carried out. The climate affects the proliferation of the virus,  due to the high percentage of colds among the population.

There is also a high percentage of infection in dog parks and other public areas,  as they are very popular places. The best strategy in these cases is not to walk your pet in places where other owners are present with their dogs.

Symptoms of the flu in dogs

There are breeds that are more vulnerable to suffering from this disease, due to the shape of their skull. The brachycephalic species are the most affected by this pathology. Here are the symptoms of flu in dogs:

  • Constant sneezing.
  • Possible breathlessness.
  • Mucosal secretions.
  • Dehydration.
  • Temperature.
  • Cough.

dog in bed with blanket and thermometer

Possible treatments

Treating the flu in dogs is quite simple, but you need to keep the animal under control. We remind you that, if not treated correctly, it can cause other more serious diseases, such as pneumonia and distemper.

First of all, go to a vet to rule out these two flu-like symptoms. Once it is established that this is the case, treatment must begin.

Remember  that the physiology of humans is very different from that of animals,  so never give medicines to people.

Once you have prescribed the right antibiotic for your dog, follow your veterinarian’s instructions. A wrong dose could be fatal.

Likewise,  make him drink plenty of water to keep him hydrated and strong. This disease dries the body and mucous membranes a lot, causing skin irritation.

dog drinking water

Keep the dog warm; the animal will feel cold from the fever, so cover it with a blanket.

How to prevent the flu in dogs?

There is a cure for this disease, as in the human variant. However, you can follow some simple steps to avoid it.

For example,  a balanced diet will ensure that your furry friend has high immunity to fight the virus. Even the ‘ weight-bearing exercise is a good idea.

Clean the areas where the dog spends his time often  to eliminate bacteria. Don’t let it get close to air currents; the disease is mainly transmitted through these.

Look for an alternative to parks and squares while strolling. Go to the beach but also to the fields if possible. In these places the dog will have a lot of fun, and so will you. Also, in these spaces you can play games that are not allowed in other places.

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