Kitten Lady: The Woman Who Saves Hundreds Of Kittens

Kitten Lady: the woman who saves hundreds of kittens

Hannah Shaw, known on social networks as Kitten Lady,  dedicates her life to saving orphaned kittens. More than 100 kittens have already passed by his house and then found a permanent family. This girl works with several animal protection agencies, which notify her when they receive a call. After that, he goes to get these vulnerable animals, which have been abandoned to their fate.

Hannah currently lives on the outskirts of Washington DC with her boyfriend, a professional cat photographer, three permanent felines (Coco, Eloise and Haroun, the latter who moved in with her boyfriend) and temporary litters of kittens which she feeds with a bottle. .

But Kitten Lady doesn’t just save the kittens that arrive at her home. It also teaches the rest of the world how to care for an abandoned litter.

Kittens still unweaned are among the groups of animals most sacrificed in shelters and kennels. They cannot eat on their own until they are one and a half months old first. Faced with a lack of skilled or available workers, litters that arrive without a mother to take care of them die.

The work of Kitten Lady

For this reason, Kitten Lady decided to dedicate her life to saving the little ones that no one else could care for. She began by feeding and caring for the kittens she brought home. However, people asked her for information and training to be able to do it themselves. Hannah, therefore, began teaching how to save orphaned kittens.  

Kitten Lady with kitten in her hands

Now Hannah Shaw teaches the rest of the world how to bottle-feed cats yet to be weaned, how to help them get their needs done, how to follow their growth and give them basic veterinary care when they need it … comfortable these little guys and make them happy and safe in our home. All this until they become independent and can find permanent accommodation.


Kitten Lady is featured in many social networks, where she shows how kittens who receive her care improve and grow. He also runs a detailed website where he explains step by step how we can help rescue orphaned kittens in our cities or homes. As if that were not enough, on his Youtube channel we find numerous tutorials on how to satisfy all the needs of the most vulnerable cats.

It delivers workshops and courses throughout the United States. It does this to train hundreds of volunteers and professionals to know how to intervene instead of sacrificing newly born kittens. It helps them to improve their facilities and adapt them to the needs of the little ones. In addition, he inaugurates and establishes reception centers in all the cities he visits.

Munay: the Peruvian kitten

Last summer Kitten Lady was on vacation in Machu Picchu when she heard the cry of a kitten. The sound followed until a very small kitten was found with which some children were playing. He convinced them to give it to him and only 48 hours later he returned to the United States with Munay, the name with which he had baptized the little girl.

Munay, the Peruvian kitten, was adopted and now lives in the company of another older cat. Although he traveled at an early age, he does not forget his roots. Munay, in fact, has helped raise money for Peruvian animal protection organizations to which thousands of dollars have been donated so that they can continue to save kittens in Peru.

Kitten Lady and kitten with a milk-stained muzzle

Chloe: the kitten who couldn’t walk

The last big story of Kitten Lady stars Chloe. Hannah had gone to one of the animal welfare agencies she collaborates with to take an orphan who had appeared alone. There they delivered Chloe as soon as she was rescued. The kitten was little bigger than the felines that Kitten Lady usually brings home. However, it had a feature that made it particularly prone to being knocked down : it could not move its hind legs.

Without knowing what exactly she had, Kitten Lady took Chloe home. After about twenty vet appointments, specialists and medical tests, they declared that the cat would never walk again. Thanks to its characteristic, however, it has shown us that we must love every living being, with all its strengths and weaknesses. Chloe may not be able to walk, but she is a very lively, intelligent and independent cat.

Chloe, like Munay, helped raise money to save other cats with the same problem. In addition to being able to pay for therapy for two or three other paralytic kittens, Kitten Lady has recorded several videos and teaches how to care for cats with this problem.

Chloe saves lives!

Cats still nursing are very delicate, without a mother to take care of them or a person who knows how to do it in her absence, they are doomed to die, even in shelters. Kitten Lady taught us that it is possible to save hundreds of cats by dedicating them only a few hours a day. And with his dedication and his work, in fact, he makes it.

Image source: Kitten Lady’s Facebook

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