Lemurs: Everything You Need To Know

Lemurs: everything you need to know

The lemur belongs to one of the most curious primate groups on the planet. Although some believe that there are only one or two species of lemurs, due to their mention in some animated films, there are actually over 100 species in the world. In particular, they populate all the ecosystems of Madagascar.

What does “lemur” mean?

For the Romans, lemurs were the ghosts of death. In general, this term was associated with some  evil spirits who were kept at bay by the Lares, the protective souls of deceased ancestors.

It was Linnaeus who proposed this name for these strange primates, since in the first encounters with Western man in Madagascar, they gave the impression of belonging to the world of the supernatural. Because of their nocturnal activity, the colors and their very particular references.

a red and black lemur among the branches of a tree

Main characteristics of lemurs

These monkeys are strepsirrhines , that is, wet-nosed primates from Africa and Asia. Like the rest of the primates, lemurs have feet and hands with five fingers, an opposable thumb, and nails instead of claws.

However, they also have very unique characteristics. For example, a ratio of brain to body mass lower than that of other primates. Or, again, the presence of a developed rhinarium and a low basal metabolism. This results in very rare characteristics among primates, such as seasonal breeding or hibernation.

Due to the long snout (or nose), lemurs have  a very powerful sense of smell  and have a very developed vomeronasal organ, specialized in the detection of pheromones. Thus, lemurs mark their territory both with urine and with the odoriferous glands they possess on the neck, armpits and other parts of the body.

Their most important form of communication is through sounds. Lemurs emit a wide range of vocalizations, ranging from howling (in the case of the Ring-tailed Lemur, the best known species) to wailing (typical of Varecia Gray ).

They are social animals and live in herds of at least 15 members. One of their most important behavioral characteristics is that their society is predominantly matriarchal.

a group of lemurs

Madagascar: the kingdom of lemurs

One of the biggest curiosities about lemurs, as we have already said, is that they only live in Madagascar. Although this territory may seem limited, keep in mind that the surface of this African island is almost  twice  that of Italy.

Lemurs have adapted to the different ecological niches of the island, which has meant that the variety within these primates is very high. Not surprisingly, they differ greatly from the rest of the world’s primates.

Proof of this is the fact that the smallest and largest primates  on the planet live and have lived here . Like the mouse lemur (measuring just 30 grams) or the now extinct Archaeoindris fontoynonti, which could reach a weight of  180 kg. In short, a worthy rival of the eastern gorilla.

In this sense, about 2000 years ago, humans were an invasive species in this country and have since caused the extinction of nearly 20 species of these primates.

Despite this, there are still more than a hundred species of lemurs, all with impressive characteristics. From bamboo lemurs, mysteriously immune to cyanide, to sifakas and their particular movement through jumps. We hope that these animals can live in peace for many more years, in their personal earthly “paradise”.

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