Love For Animals: The Message Of Mother Teresa Of Calcutta

Love for animals: the message of Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Love towards animals. Anyone who lives with a pet knows what we’re talking about. It is a feeling that cannot be explained in words  and that unfortunately some people cannot even understand. Our little friends brighten up our days day after day, through an  unconditional love for their masters,  without ever expecting something in return.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta also perceived this love for animals  and sent a beautiful message to all humanity. From My Animals we echo these words of love and defense of animal rights.

Why love animals? The words of Mother Teresa of Calcutta

“Because they give you everything, without asking for anything. Because against the power of man with weapons they are defenseless.

Because they are eternal children, because they don’t know what hatred or war is. Because they don’t know money and they only console themselves with a place to take refuge from the cold. Because they make themselves understood without saying a word, because their gaze is as pure as their soul.

Because they know neither envy nor resentment, because forgiveness is still natural in them. Because they live without having a luxurious home. Because they don’t buy love, they simply wait for it and because they are our companions, eternal friends that nothing can separate. Because they are alive.

For this and a thousand other things they deserve our love. If we learn to love them as they deserve we would be very close to God. “

These are the magnificent and never again true  words of Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

Respect for animals


As Mother Teresa of Calcutta said, animals are  our friends unconditionally, they give us everything without asking for anything,  but above all we must keep in mind that they are living beings, that we must love, that we must take care of and above all that they must be respected.

Anyone who has a pet in their family knows well the importance of their role, since they are members  of the family. There has always been a  very close relationship between humans and animals, especially with cats and dogs. Over the centuries there have been several important figures always accompanied by a dog, a cat or some other characteristic animal.

In addition, several studies have been carried out that have shown how  animals can positively influence our health  and even cure some diseases. For this reason, and for many others, we must always respect animals and  in no case mistreat them or abandon them to their fate.

A pet is not a toy, but on the contrary a living being with feelings and emotions,  a faithful friend who will never, ever betray us, so for what unhealthy reason should we betray them?

Teach your child to respect animals


Being a good parent involves a great many things, including and above all the teaching of sound and correct principles, such as  knowing how to properly treat their pets. In this way, you will prevent your child from abusing or abandoning animals in the future.

Remember that you are the role model for your child  , as children copy your behaviors, your way of speaking and your attitudes as they grow up. It is also for this reason that we must take advantage of this phase to  teach children that we must respect animals. This implies that you have to feed them, play with them, take them to the street and in no case beat them.

The best way to educate your children about these values ​​is to  adopt a pet, no matter the type of animal. Instead, it is of fundamental importance that they are taught that  animals are not bought, but on the contrary they are adopted, so that they do not associate them with objects, but with living beings.

You can also explain to them that  there are many animals abandoned in temporary shelters, waiting for a family to adopt  them and integrate them into the family unit. In this way your children will become  responsible adults,  educated towards correct values, towards respect for animals and will also be more human and respect the environment more.

And remember that, as Mahatma Gandhi’s wise words say, “a country, a civilization, can be judged by the way it treats its animals.”

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