My Best Friend? My Dog ​​

Do you consider your dog your best friend? If so, surely you often say the phrase “the more I know humans, the more I love my dog”.

While some humans give numerous reasons, including mistreating animals, to prefer dogs, it is also true that these expressions can end up losing their meaning.

Discover the origin of the phrase “the dog is man’s best friend”

What is the origin of the saying “the dog is man’s best friend”?  Although many believe it is an anonymous expression passed from mouth to mouth over the years, it was actually first uttered during a trial in Missouri, United States, in 1870.

Attorney George Graham Vest used these words in a final annex to his speech. He had been hired by a person whose dog, named Old Drum, had been murdered by a neighbor. His speech, later named “Praise to the Dog”, contained most of the arguments that many of us use today to explain why we believe that dogs are man’s best friend.

What is certain is that the lawyer was so convincing with his speech that the killer of Old Drum had to pay a fine of $550, rather than the $150 stipulated by law for such acts. In addition, a statue of a dog was erected in front of the Missouri Supreme Court building in which part of the lawyer’s speech can be read.

A friendship that comes from afar

Dogs have been accompanying humans for 40,000 years, according to the latest scientific findings.

Much water has passed under the bridge from the first domesticated wolves to the dogs of our times. Humans use and abuse dogs in both noble and despicable activities. The list is long, but it is not our intention to talk about it on this occasion.

One day we discovered that these furry friends were also ideal as pets and, thus, they became part of our families in a relationship that, many times, leads us to affirm that they are our best friends. We list a number of reasons in this regard. Eg:

  • Their unconditional loyalty.
  • Their constant displays of affection.
  • They do not discriminate or mock us.
  • They do not judge us or point out our mistakes.
  • They don’t hold a grudge even if we sometimes treat them badly.

Human and canine friends

Without wanting to contradict, but for the purpose of reflecting, thinking that a good friend should not judge us or point out our mistakes is very complacent. Although a dog can accompany us with his affection when we know we have made a serious mistake, the ideal complement is the words of a faithful and good human friend to help us see what we have done wrong and how to undo the damage.

That dogs don’t hold a grudge against us if we treat them badly perhaps has to do with how they memorize things. However, it in no way gives us the right to mistreat them. What kind of friendship is one in which we allow ourselves to treat someone badly just because they are not grudging?

In addition to this, we must not forget that, although the dog can be a great friend, we must never fall into the error of humanizing it and believing that it can replace the relationships we have to establish with our own species. If we come to this, we will not only harm ourselves, but also the animal, which we so much say we love.

The scientific explanation of the loving relationship that is established between humans and dogs

According to what is claimed, according to the results of various studies,  the secret of the close relationship that is established between humans and dogs lies in a substance called oxytocin.

Commonly called the “love hormone”, it is present in all mammals and, among other things, affects emotional bonds. It is activated whenever dogs and people look into each other’s eyes.

It’s wonderful that your pet is your best non-human friend. However, don’t forget to fill in the sentence spoken for the first time by George Graham Vest.

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