Neapolitan Mastiff, The Peaceful Colossus

Neapolitan Mastiff, the peaceful colossus

It is one of the largest dogs in the world and descends from the oldest canine specimen, the Tibetan Mastiff. In today’s article we will tell you everything there is to know about the Neapolitan Mastiff : a loyal, beautiful colossus with a peaceful temperament.

Origins of the Neapolitan Mastiff

This breed comes from Europe and descends directly from the Tibetan Mastiff, the oldest example of the canine species. It is estimated that the first Asian mastiffs were brought from India to Greece by Alexander the Great in 300 BC

The Greeks passed the breed on to the Romans, who began using them for circus fights in the colosseums. The word mastiff comes from the Latin “Massivus”, which means massive, one of the main characteristics of these dogs.

Another theory linked to the origins of the Neapolitan Mastiff states that the Phoenicians brought various specimens to Britain in the year 500 BC, and that the breed then developed from there. Due to the physical characteristics of this dog, he was trained to fight against tigers, bears, lions and, of course, gladiators.

In any case, it is an ancient colossus of the southern area of ​​the Salento Peninsula. In the Campania region, moreover, the Mastiff continued to be raised despite the war conflicts. Various crosses originated from the breed, among which the following stand out: Ponzano, Gheno, Vittoriale, Fossombrone, Castellaccio, Ponzo and Sole.

Characteristics and behavior of the Neapolitan Mastiff

At first glance, one immediately realizes that it is a muscular and strong dog. It is heavy, massive and with a height of almost 60 cm at the withers. The weight varies between 50 and 70 kg in adult males. It falls into the class of giant dogs, is sturdy and has a huge head.

sitting Neapolitan mastiff puppy

The coat can be of various colors including gray, lead, brown, fawn and brindle. The gaze of the Neapolitan Mastiff is expressive and penetrating. The small triangular ears hang down to the sides of the muzzle (reaching up to the cheeks). The tail is thick in the first part and tapers towards the tip.

His gait is slow and calm, which is why it is easy to confuse him and sometimes compare him to a bear.

As for his character, the Neapolitan Mastiff is loyal, decisive, protector, alert, intelligent, majestic and noble. It does not attack or bite without a reason. Despite its large size, it is harmless and ideal for families with children.

The Mastiff is an excellent watchdog and, if trained from an early age, is even more gentle, affectionate and balanced towards its owner and family (including relatives and acquaintances). This animal is also courageous and resists physical pain well. His massive build also makes him a somewhat clumsy giant.

Special care for the Neapolitan Mastiff

Breeding this breed tends to be quite difficult and laborious. The temperament of the adult dog will depend on the training he was subjected to as a puppy. It is essential to socialize him from an early age, in order to prevent him from becoming aggressive.

It is also very important to make sure that the Neapolitan Mastiff is exercising at least three times a week, since he is prone to overweight – he can easily reach 100 kg. It is essential to carefully take care of its diet so that it does not lose liveliness. Veterinarians recommend feeding him meat and rice every day, accompanying his meals with specific feed suitable for his breed and his needs.

Do not forget to clean the dog’s face thoroughly after meals and in general to respect its hygiene, since dirt and humidity can accumulate in the folds of its skin, generating infections and bad smell.

Due to their weight, the most common disease in mastiffs is hip dysplasia – another reason to prevent obesity at any cost. Other common problems are arthritis, elbow dysplasia and gastric torsion (pay particular attention to the latter, as it can be deadly).

Before adopting a Neapolitan Mastiff, make sure you have enough space in the house. Being a giant dog, in fact, it is not suitable for living in an apartment or in a small house. Know that at three years of age he will have tripled his weight and height compared to when he was just born.

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