Polar Bears And Global Warming

Polar bears and global warming

We all know that human action is causing damage to the animal world, but even today the problem is treated as a matter of little importance. Global warming is an ever-worsening phenomenon and is destroying the habitat of many animal species; many of them, if we don’t find a solution soon, will disappear forever.

This situation is involving one of the most beloved animals: the polar bear.

Polar bears and the destruction of their habitat

polar bear

Polar bears live in the Arctic, they were born to live and walk on ice. Climate change or global warming is causing Arctic ice to melt, which is in danger of disappearing.

This area will therefore stop being a sufficiently cold habitat to allow the life of animals such as seals, the main food of bears. Global warming is forcing seals to constantly move in search of food. As a result, it is becoming increasingly difficult for bears to find sustenance.

The disappearance of polar bears is, in fact, to be attributed to different reasons :

  • Many specimens have disappeared due to a lack of food.
  • Another part for the excessive heat.
  • Finally, some more enterprising bears have migrated to more favorable areas, but they have come too close to humans, becoming hunting targets, to satisfy the desire for exotic dishes or for the pure pleasure of hunting them.

The melting of the ice

Polar bears use ice as a bridge between land and water ; the ice serves as a trampoline for hunting and as a platform for returning to dry land.

The problem is that the ice is melting so quickly that the bears are forced to stay on dry land and make do with the food they find, if they find it. How sad!

Ice makes, or made, the Arctic one of the coldest places on earth, with temperatures favorable to polar bear life.

It is natural to wonder how these animals manage to live in such inhospitable temperatures; know that the polar bear has the ability to survive down to 50 degrees below zero.

The conditions of polar bears

It is clear that all of this has a major impact on the life of polar bears. At the present time, many of them are malnourished and others are dying. The specimens of this species are constantly decreasing: experts warn that if we continue at this rate, the polar bear will disappear from the face of the earth in less than a century.

We can consider it another consequence of irresponsible land management, but also of human indifference and selfishness. Simple gestures, such as replacing plastic bags with canvas bags or eliminating the use of spray products, are a small contribution that allows us to slow climate change and protect many endangered species.


Why do we forget about it most of the time? Because we live in an age where comfort and consumption are priorities, even if the lives of many animal species are at stake.

A century ago there were hundreds of species that we and the new generations will no longer see: species destroyed by human selfishness.

If we do not change our attitude, it is very likely that our children’s children will live in a world without animals, or worse, they will no longer be able to live because life on earth will have become impossible.

The earth is capable of regenerating itself and being self-sufficient, but mankind, out of ambition or thirst for money, is exploiting its resources so quickly, that it reaches dangerous limits, more than we are prepared to face .

Today, “my animals” invites you to do, in your own small way, to improve this situation!

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