Professional Training Of The Belgian Shepherd Malinois

Professional training of the Belgian shepherd Malinois

The Belgian Shepherd is a very popular breed . He is easy to train and possesses a great aptitude for carrying out control and rescue services. Furthermore, his great resemblance to the German Shepherd has allowed him to become very popular. In this article we will reveal how the professional training of the Belgian Shepherd Malinois works.

These dogs, due to their pronounced size, without proper training and socialization, tend to become very dominant. Therefore, it is necessary to include these two aspects in the training program. Unpleasant problems in adulthood will be avoided.

One of the best known training for this type of dog is the one known as ” K9 “, or more commonly called police dog training . As a curiosity we will tell you that the term ‘K9’ derives from the union of the letter ‘K’ and the number ‘nine’. In English, these two letters are read ka-nain , a sound very similar to the Italian word “canine”.

After this little introduction, let’s see how the different stages work that will allow you to transform your Belgian Shepherd Malinois into an efficient K9 police dog.

From Belgian Malinois to police dog

Professional training will serve to teach the dog to perform various police duties.  Such as the defense, the finding of people, the identification of explosives, counterfeit money, drugs, toxic waste … Since, however, as they say, “whoever wants too much, does not hold anything”, the Belgian Malinois shepherd dogs are trained only to develop two of these tasks.

a trainer with a seated Belgian Shepherd Malinois

Logically, these tasks can only be taught in specialized centers or with a professional dog trainer with all credentials in good standing. The Belgian Shepherd is an excellent dog for this type of training, having courage, balanced temperament , above- average intelligence and character. In fact, it is the perfect replacement for the German Shepherd.

It should be noted that this training process lasts from 12 to 16 weeks, either in a specialized center or under the instructions and supervision of a specialized coach.

Goals of vocational training

The first fundamental point, which we try to achieve thanks to this training, is as simple as it is crucial. The goal is to teach the dog to focus on his task without paying attention to the distractions of the external environment.

a Belgian Malinois shepherd sitting on the leaves of a wood

The dog,  in order to become a K9, must show respect for other animals and other people. Also, of course, he must obey his master’s voice at all times. His level of self-control will also be fundamental, useful for managing his impulses, strength and instinct. The final result is that of an absolutely reliable animal, as mentally balanced.

These dogs, in order for them to perform the tasks for which they have been trained, must show a high level of  both verbal and gestural obedience. They become experts in the search for narcotics, explosives, withstand the pressure of research and know how to  make decisions when they find themselves having to save lives.

Therefore, the training is quite difficult. In fact, although it is based on the use of levers deriving from positive reinforcement, the K9 uses mixed techniques. This is due to the fact that the dog needs to understand who is in charge and to be serious when carrying out a task.

Of course, at no time does the animal suffer or harm it. The dog trainer aims to achieve goals while taking care of the animal, treating it with respect, but also with the right firmness.

Would you like to have a K9 dog?

It is possible that many of you have been fascinated by these dogs. Do you want to have one, all to yourself? Well, you need to know that when these police dogs retire, around the age of eight, they can be adopted.

This does not mean discarding the old K9, quite the opposite. It is a way to allow him to have a quiet and quality life for the years to come. His effort and sacrifice are rewarded with a new life, but much quieter and less dangerous. There are specific programs that will allow you to adopt the dogs used by the Police, Carabinieri, Fire Brigade, Guardia di Finanza and so on.

Also, this will be a great way to help the state security forces, as you will be offering a new home to dogs who can no longer work. You will welcome not just any dog into the house  . You can count on an intelligent, quick, reliable animal who will do everything possible to protect you and your loved ones.

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