Rottweiler Professional Training

Although he looks like a very powerful dog, at the same time he is so attached to his owners that he will go out of his way to care for them. Proper education will promote greater effectiveness and avoid possible accidents
Professional Rottweiler training

Rottweiler professional training takes place on the agenda: but what does it consist of? The Rottweiler is an affable, sensitive and affectionate molosser. First of all, he is a guard dog who will protect his owners by putting his own life at risk if necessary.

Because of his physical and psychic qualities, he is targeted by many, sometimes for positive and other negative purposes. Below we present the steps taken by professionals to train these dogs.

Professional Rottweiler training

Demonstrations of dominance are not tolerated

Trainers do not tolerate the Rottweiler’s demonstrations of domination even as a puppy. It is possible that an adorable “Rotti” puppy asks us for caresses or wants to play; if we agree to his request, we are obeying him. Knowing this is essential to ensure proper education, so experts stress the importance of avoiding it.

Pair of Rottweilers

Do not stimulate aggression and territoriality

Professionally trained Rottweilers never play fight or bite or  even pull on their master’s sleeve or drawstring, as it is a defiant attitude. Aggression will be stimulated by professionals only in contexts other than the game.

You don’t have to be condescending

If the Rottweiler is stressed, behaves aggressively or exhibits destructive behavior, the trainer will not respond to this with petting, as this is an approving gesture.

Rottweiler on flowery meadow

The Rottweiler needs human contact

One comment professional trainers often hear is “I’ve tried everything, even to hit him.” The Rottweiler is a very sensitive dog and needs human contact. If experience tells him that this contact, whether positive or negative, comes from a negative action, he will tend to repeat it.

Rottweiler looks at flower offered by person

Rottweiler professional training exercises

When these steps are clear, the professional trainer begins the obedience exercise routine:

  • The first exercise is the conduct on a leash. The dog should concentrate on the handler and walk with his shoulders level with the person’s left knee.

    Aggressive Rottweiler on a leash

    • The second exercise is about the “stop” command. The dog must stop when he hears the key word. It is vital to be able to continue with the training.
    • The third exercise consists  of agility circuits  in which the dog must find an exit or follow the reference person.
    • The fourth exercise concerns the action commands, ie those in which, hearing a key word such as “sit”, “lie down” or “attack”, the dog performs the action.

    Rottweiler lying down

    Trying to carry out these actions with our personal means can generate a dangerous situation for our animal and for ourselves.   

    Ultimately, professional Rottweiler training requires expert intervention in a controlled and safe environment.

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