Skin Cancer In Dogs: Symptoms And Treatments

Not only older dogs can be affected, but also puppies: although skin cancers can generally be treated successfully, in some cases this disease causes death.
Skin cancer in dogs: symptoms and treatments

Sometimes we think that the fur of our four-legged friend is enough to protect his skin from any external agent, but unfortunately, dogs can also develop skin cancer.

Regardless of age or breed, all dogs can develop skin cancer . Let’s see, together, what it is.

What is a skin cancer?

Every living being has cells that are damaged and die, in turn replaced by new cells. The problem arises when, instead of dying, the damaged cells begin to reproduce freely.

As their numbers increase, they join together and form a mass called a tumor, a signal that indicates the possible presence of cancer.

There are two types of tumors: benign and malignant ones. The former affect only one area, while the latter tend to proliferate and spread, creating the so-called metastases.

In the case of the skin, one of the risk factors is the alteration of melanin due to excessive sun exposure.

Can Dogs Get Skin Cancer?

Unfortunately, the answer is yes, and even more frequently than you think. The skin cancer that most affects dogs is mast cell tumor.

There are also other cancers, of a benign nature, which do not have serious repercussions on the health of our animals.

They are mostly growths that, in general, are found in the fatty areas of the body.

Skin cancer

While we are inclined to think that this is a problem that affects older dogs, even a puppy can develop skin cancer.

Cancer, in fact, is not due to age, but to excessive sun exposure : we remember, in fact, that the hair of these animals is not enough to repair their skin from radiation.

This is why we should never walk the dog during the hottest hours or, even worse, leave it closed for a long time on the balcony.

Exposing the animal to the sun in this way increases the chances that it will develop a skin cancer later on.

There is also a race-related propensity for cancer. Here are the breeds most affected:

  • Pug
  • Bulldog
  • Labrador
  • Weimaraner or Weimar Bracco

Symptoms of skin cancer in dogs

To understand if the dog actually has skin cancer, we will need to pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • Swelling on the skin
  • Thickened skin
  • Wounds that do not heal;
  • Weight loss;
  • Lameness
  • Lethargy;
  • Breathing and evacuation difficulties.

Tumors in dogs

Treatment of canine skin cancer

Veterinary oncology has made great strides in the treatment of cancers, which in most cases are treated successfully.

Skin cancer eradication is the most common method of eliminating the root problem, although alternatives exist, depending on the type of cancer.

It may take a few courses of radiation or chemotherapy to completely eliminate any cancer cells.

Let us remember that it is good to palpate our dog periodically and, at the slightest change in both physical and behavior, contact the veterinarian.

It is not possible to prevent the formation of cancer, but, in the case of a skin tumor, running for cover immediately is essential to avoid the proliferation of malignant cells, with the consequences that we all know.

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