Sleeping With Our Animals: Pros And Cons

Sleeping with our animals: pros and cons

Sleeping with our pet: yes or no? This has  always been a topic that makes lovers of 4-legged friends discuss, and even those who are not.

Today we want to list the pros and cons of sleeping with your pet.

Sleeping with your pet: the pros

Fortify the bond

Sleeping with your pet will intensify the relationship you have with them,  especially if you spend a lot of time away from home. You may be missing a lot and the night could be a way to spend time together, to share a special moment.

Help sleep

There are people who sleep hugging a pillow,  but isn’t it better to hold your furry friend? Sleeping hugged to someone is the best way to reconcile sleep and rest well.

dog on the bed with owner

Improve blood pressure

Love is said to be the best cure out there, and that’s partly true. Feeling affection for another person gives you pleasant feelings that help us feel good. This sometimes  lowers blood pressure, aids in proper blood circulation,  and avoids heart disease.

Gives security

Knowing that we have someone around makes us feel safe. Sleeping with your pet can make you feel this way. In fact, sleeping with your furry friend has been shown to help children not have nightmares, even if the animal is not in bed with them.

Sleeping with your pet: the cons


Sleeping with an animal is not recommended for people who are sick,  who have urinary incontinence or if the animal in question goes to the house. If you want him to be with you, make sure he does them before letting him into the room.


Sleeping with your 4-legged friend could cause you to contract parasitic diseases. You must give your pet pesticides before sleeping with you.

It will disturb your sleep

Your dog, for example, may bark, grunt or snore. These noises could annoy you and consequently make you sleep badly. Also, when you move, your subconscious will remember that your pet is there and that you could crush it. He too could move and even throw you out of bed.

It could scratch you

Your pet may have bad dreams and then scratch you without realizing it. Trim his nails before letting him sleep with you.

Some tips if you have decided to sleep with your furry friend

Follow these tips:

cat on the bed

  1. Make rules. Take your space on the bed and don’t let your pet invade it.
  2. Make sure he doesn’t attack you.   If he growls or bites you when you move, get him out of the room. He needs to know that you are in charge.
  3. Make it stand on top of the sheet.

These tips will be very helpful to you. To make the right decision, look at these pros and cons, but be aware that once you make the right decision, you can’t back down.

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