Some Curiosities About Cats’ Paws

Some curiosities about the paws of cats

Cats’ paws are soft and delicate (except when they pull out their nails to scratch or play). These attract a lot of attention,  so in the following article we will tell you about them.

Some curiosities about the paws of cats

They don’t just use them to move, to protect themselves or to grab something. Cat paws are a completely unknown world for humans,  as they also use them to communicate. Here are some curiosities:

1. They walk on toes

No one can deny that cats’ gait is smooth. It almost seems like they don’t touch the ground with their paws, which is why they are so quiet. This is due to the fact that they are digitigrade animals, that is, instead of walking with the sole of the foot resting on the ground, (like people) they only support the tips of their fingers.

cat on his stomach with owner on the ground

Although it may seem very uncomfortable, for cats it is normal and, moreover, their feet are made on purpose:  the size and the softness of the fingertips allow them to move without problems. It’s like having a ballet dancer at home!

2. The number of fingers varies

The front legs are not the same as the hind ones. The front ones have 5 fingers, while the back ones have 4. I can pull my nails out with both. This mechanism is based on an elastic ligament that joins the last two bones of the claws, and which binds to the muscles through the tendons. In normal situations, the nail is located under the skin. When the cat takes it out, it is because the bone is pushing it out.

3. The fingertips are soft but strong

One of the most notable characteristics of cats’ paws is that  their fingertips are soft and delicate. Precisely for this reason, can they be easily stung, injured or flayed? In fact, they are strong enough to protect themselves from external agents (objects with which they come into contact up to soil temperatures).

In addition, the fingertips have great sensitivity which helps cats hunt effectively. Thanks to the paws, these felines can evaluate the liveliness, energy, location and size of the prey. But also to know instantly if it’s hot or cold.

4. Cats sweat through their paws

The sweat glands of cats are found in the pads of their paws. Therefore, they sweat through these. But not only that: cats release their smell as they walk. This serves to mark the territory and to let others know that they have passed by, and that that particular place already has a master.

cat kitten with straight tail

Through these glands present in the paws, these felines are able to communicate. If, for example, your furry friend scrapes the scratching post, the sofa or “kneads” the bed with his paws, it is to leave his smell and make it his property.

5. The fingertips are the same color as the fur

The pigment that gives the skin tone also gives color to the paws, more precisely to the fingertips. If you pay attention, you will realize that these areas are the same as the cat’s coat. There are various options: gray, orange, black, white, etc.

6. They are cleaned continuously

For sure, you already know that cats are the most hygienic animals in existence. They are obsessed with cleanliness, and that includes their paws as well. Keep in mind that any objects, substances and even bacteria that settle on cats’ limbs will end up in their mouth. The plants, the residues, the dirt. Anything can make your pet sick, so be careful.

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