Stray Dog ​​saves A Woman Who Is The Victim Of An Accident

Not long ago, a video circulated in which a woman was hit twice and no one came to help her. This shows us how far human indifference can go. Something very distant from the loyalty and affection that animals give us. Today we tell you the story of a dog who saved a woman who had an accident.

It seems more normal to us every time to hear the typical phrase “animals are better than people”. The more time passes the more it seems that humans become colder, while we increasingly appreciate the gestures of our 4-legged friends.

The dog who saves a woman after she has had an accident

When you have an accident, the timeliness with which you act is vital to be able to save yourself or not. This is why the story we tell you below is so exciting!

In this case, it is not an investment, but a road accident. Shanon, the victim in question,  was driving down a Georgia road when she found herself facing a particularly bad curve,  which she did not realize.

Before she could react, she went off the road and lost consciousness. When she woke up, she found herself locked in the car. Moreover, due to the strong wind that was blowing, he could not move.

It had ended up in a ditch in the middle of the woods, so people passing by with the car could not see it from the road. Shanon began to lose hope.

The arrival of his savior, a dog

And here comes the protagonist of the story: Hero, a beautiful German shepherd who fought to save her life when she was unable to do so.

Without thinking twice, he got into the vehicle to see how Shanon was doing, grabbed her by the collar of her jacket and started pulling her. According to what the woman said: “she pulled and pulled without stopping for a moment. He was fighting for me ”.

This perseverance paid off, as Hero managed to get Shanon out of the car and drag her onto the main road so she could call for help. Once this is done, the woman says she fainted and woke up in the hospital, remembering nothing else. But he couldn’t forget his savior.

After learning that it was a stray dog, she wanted so much to adopt it, but for some personal reasons she couldn’t. Despite this, thanks to this story,  Hero has received a reward, and his fate has changed.

Many would have liked to adopt him for his courage, but  he has met a dog trainer who will make Hero an expert and perfectly trained dog in the search and rescue of people,  to then work in the police. Bravo Hero and good luck!

The love of animals for people

Animals always show their love for us. Although people sometimes get bad around them, furry friends never pay them back with the same coin.

This has been amply demonstrated in the story we have told you about in this article. Hero could pass by without stopping, or he could even approach the main road to get someone’s attention.

But no, he used all his energy to save Shanon, who thanks to him made it.

We notice many differences with the example we mentioned at the beginning, of the woman lying in the street without anyone going to help her. Do you still have doubts that animals don’t have feelings? 

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