Study Reveals How Cats Communicate

A study reveals how cats communicate

Animals use various types of signals to try to communicate with their owners. Through sounds, but also using the  movements of the tail or the position of the ears. The goal is to convey a state of mind, how they feel or make us understand what they prefer. In this article we present the results of a scientific research carried out to understand  how cats communicate.

Cats communicate using their tails

Depending on how its tail moves, it is possible to determine if your pet feline is scared, angry, happy or just being attentive. Pay attention to these signs:

A study reveals how cats communicate

  • Tail firm and straight vertically : it means that it does not care what you are saying or doing and will continue on its way.
  • Tail wagging:  When he wants to get your attention, showing affection or joy, mainly in front of food. It is often accompanied by purring.
  • Slow movement from side to side : it means that you feel very happy, comfortable and safe in the environment. Congratulations: it feels right at home.
  • Tail horizontal (parallel to the ground) : it is literally “halfway” between trust and distrust. It is a simple position alert.
  • Stretched down : Chances are he is walking very slowly, before crouching and staring. Typical attitude for hunting or playing.
  • Quick lateral movements : If the tail moves quickly, the cat is interested in an object or person. If the ears are raised, however, the interest will be greater.
  • Diagonal and stiff tail : the back is slightly arched and the tail is completely straight. This means that there is something that worries the animal.
  • Relieved but with the tip retracted : it is the way to say that she trusts, but not too much. He is in a safe situation, but still prefers to take some precautions.
  • Strikes to the floor: the tail movement is quick, short and rough. This happens when the cat is nervous or afraid (for example when it rains, there are loud noises or strangers enter the house).
  • Tail down (with hind legs raised):  in a stressful and defensive situation.
  • Between the hind legs : the position of a shy, submissive or respectful cat. He usually takes this position when he is reprimanded or in the presence of animals with higher hierarchical rank.
  • Big tail : means anger, discomfort or irritation. Better not get close.

How cats communicate: eyes and ears

Another way to understand your cat is to pay attention to the expression on his face (especially by observing his eyes and ears):

  • Steady ears and open backwards : the cat looks at you sideways, it means that it is upset, irritated or angry. Let him walk away and calm down on his own.
  • Ears stretched forward : the pupils are not dilated. It is a sign of calm or sleep. The cat feels safe and comfortable.
  • Ears forward, almond-shaped eyes – squinting is a good sign. This expression is used to convey comfort, relaxation and the willingness to play and be pampered.
  • Low ears and dilated eyes : this can mean that something is attracting his attention or that the cat is angry. If you try to approach him, he will react by running away.

    How cats communicate: sounds

    A study reveals how cats communicate

    There is also a third group of signals that cats use to communicate with their owners. By making sounds with a certain volume or pitch, they will make them understand what is going on in their mind.

    • Meow. This typical verse hides several meanings. If your cat meows gently, it means she is happy. It is a kind of greeting, especially when accompanied by purring, slow tail movements and rubbing on the legs. If the meow is strong and continuous, with the tail bent, it is better to leave it alone: ​​it could be angry. Finally, if he is repetitive and increases his tone, it is because he is craving something, certainly food.
    • Purr.  The most characteristic noise of felines is an integral part of their communication system. This is the main sign of trust and love towards one’s master. The most direct and simple way to say ” I love you “.

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