Taking Care Of An Animal Is Not A Pastime

Caring for an animal is not a pastime

Does your child ask you to be able to adopt an animal? Did you want to have a 4-legged friend for the first time? First,  you need to know that taking care of an animal is not a pastime.

Pets are living beings with intelligence and emotions that deserve proper care. Providing them with optimal conditions for development is not an option, but it is indispensable.

Choose an animal that fits your lifestyle

Do you think it is a prejudice to say that people who own a dog or a cat are different? This sentence is not to be taken as a general rule. True animal lovers are able to love and care for their furry friends.

However, it is important to understand  that each animal adapts to a different lifestyle. So, you have to choose one that can suit your home, the time you have available and your character.

Golden Retriever and family on the sofa

In general,  dogs depend more on their owners. They need time to play, to exercise and to be trained. Cats, on the other hand, are more independent, but also more demanding in terms of nutrition, hygiene and socialization.

If you are going to give a pet to a child,  dogs are not always the best choice. You have to bear in mind that these animals need a lot of care.

Perhaps it would be better to choose one that requires less time to devote to it. A hamster or a turtle, for example.

Legal and responsible possession: avoid taking an exotic animal in captivity

Many animals are not allowed, for example exotic ones. Adopting one represents an act of human selfishness that jeopardizes the survival of many wild species.

Why buy when you can adopt? 

Adopting doesn’t mean saving money. But you shouldn’t buy an animal from an illegal herd either.

Historically, many races have been mutilated for purely aesthetic purposes. Or they were used for fighting or forced labor. This is the case of the Pitbull, the Cocker Spaniel, the Rottweiler, the Dogo Argentino, the Dobermann, etc.

When an animal’s life is viewed as a business, the consequences can be serious for both its health and its development.

Adopting is an act of love that gives many innocent animals a second chance. Adoption fosters responsibility and respect for an animal’s life. A selfless collaborative relationship, as all relationships based on love should be.

Adopted animals, whether purebred or not, are able to receive and give affection.  Also, they will be grateful to you for life.

Having a pet is not a pastime. NO TO ABANDONMENT!

Abandonment and abuse of animals are a reality in many countries. The main cause is unconscious possession facilitated, in large part, by the pet trading market.

Unfortunately,  many people adopt a pet regardless of the care, expense, and responsibility they incur. 

An animal is not a toy, decoration or object that you can throw away once it no longer interests you.

The basic care for a happy and healthy life together with your 4-legged friend

A responsible owner must ensure optimal conditions for the development of his animal. This involves knowing what he needs and his habits so that he can grow up happy and healthy.

mistress with red and white cat in her arms

We list  the main aspects to take care of them responsibly.

  1. Balanced nutrition.
  2. Exercise regularly.
  3. Preventive medicine: visits to the veterinarian, internal and external parasiticides, vaccinations, adequate hygiene, etc.
  4. Environment conducive to responsible development.
  5. Protection against heat or cold.
  6. Training and socialization.
  7. Love, affection and dedication.

Understanding that having an animal is not a pastime  is a fundamental step in making a society more responsible and making sure that it takes care of all its components. We protect our best friends.

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