Taking The Dog To The Beach: The Rules To Follow

Bringing the dog to the beach: the rules to follow

There are many dogs who, like their owners, love to go to the beach. Still others, while having little sympathy for sea water (which can cause itchy skin), go crazy with joy in finding themselves running and playing non-stop on the sand.

In addition to being an opportunity to be together, breathing the fresh sea air  is also very good for those specimens who prefer to lie down next to their master and simply sunbathe. Other than dog boarding or, worse, the loneliness of an empty house or hotel room.

If you also love taking your dog to the beach, there are some simple rules that are always worth keeping in mind. They will allow you to spend hours on the water’s edge without worries and in harmony with the other bathers. Here’s what they are.

Beaches equipped for dogs

The first rule is to check, before leaving, the presence of beaches equipped for dogs  in the tourist areas where you have decided to spend your holidays. With a few clicks , sending a few emails or calling, you will be sure to go to a beach suitable for your four-legged friend.

Bringing the dog to the beach, the rules to follow

Throughout Italy, including the islands, there are about over a hundred beaches that accept dogs, divided more or less proportionally between the various regions. Some provinces are more pet-friendly , such as Ravenna and  Sassari  (10 equipped seaside resorts each) or even Imperia  (no less than eight). Very positive numbers that highlight a certain inadequacy of Rome, which has just 3 beaches for dogs.

Choosing a seaside resort with adequate services for dogs is essential to  avoid the very high fines required by law. From 90 to 1500 euros if you bring a dog to any beach, even if with free access.

After examining the list of beaches and establishments that accept pets, to safeguard the welfare of the animal (and therefore of you owners), it is a good idea to also identify an area with calm waters and not too high waves.

Protect the dog from sunlight

There aren’t many differences between humans and dogs when it comes to the sun. The dangerous ultraviolet rays are also harmful to your four-legged friends. Here’s how to prevent owners and dogs from getting burned:

  • Whenever possible, swim or play on the beach when the sun is less powerful. Protect the paws and pads with special shoes to reduce the risk of burns or blisters resulting from the high temperatures of the sand.
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight.
  • Use sunscreen. There are specific products for pets. Specialists also recommend using child-friendly solutions. Dogs tend to lick each other and, for this reason, the creams to be applied must never contain harmful or toxic chemicals. The greatest precautions should be taken if you have a short-haired or white-colored dog, being more prone to sunburn.
  • If your pet likes to dive and play in the water, this will be a great way to keep him cool.
  • Gear up properly when you go to the beach. You will need umbrellas and covers to offer shade to your friend, when he wants to rest or is tired.
  • It is important to constantly hydrate your dog. Make him drink plenty and avoid giving him food with high sugar levels.
  • Another tip is not to shear the dog before taking it to the sea. One of the functions of natural hair is to protect the skin from direct exposure to the sun’s rays. The risk is to encourage possible burns.

A dog on the beach: how to respect others

We have seen what are the most important practical tips to protect a dog’s health and well-being, if taken to the beach. Let us now dedicate ourselves to another problem, that of coexistence with the other bathers.

The experience of the sea can be very exciting for your four-legged friend and, for this reason, it is good to always keep in mind the normal rules of education and civic sense :

Bringing the dog to the beach, the rules to follow

  • Remember to keep an eye on your dog and make him feel comfortable. It is your obligation to follow him on sight, without distractions or excesses of trust. If he runs away to other people, annoys them or dirties them, the fault will be yours alone.
  • Collect the needs immediately. You will avoid inconveniences with other people and show everyone your great education.
  • Don’t forget your dog’s health card : you must always take it with you! In case of control, you will be able to show the status of your vaccines and the identification microchip.
  • If the dog falls into the category of potentially dangerous animals , you will need to keep him with a leash and muzzle, suitable for the sea. Better if a little wider, to allow the animal to breathe better.
  • Playing with the ball is one of the most fun activities for dogs and owners. You can do it, but without interfering with the tranquility of those who are at the sea to relax.

    After the beach

    After a long day of sun, sand and sea, it will be necessary to wash the animal with plenty of  fresh water. Grains and salt will be carried away, thus avoiding an unpleasant skin irritation.

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