The 10 Things You Shouldn’t Do If You Respect Your Dog

10 things you shouldn't do if you respect your dog

Many times, due to unconsciousness and even with the best of intentions, you can harm your pet. If you want to provide him with everything he needs and be the best dog owners in the world, we recommend that you read this article, in which we will tell you  the things you shouldn’t do if you respect your dog.

What to avoid if you respect your dog?

No one can deny that there is a very special relationship between dogs and their owners. From the first moment until their last breath, they become our best friends, offering us their unconditional love. Sometimes people don’t know how to reciprocate this affection, and they act thinking about their well-being,   even if some behaviors can be harmful to the animal. Pay attention to these habits that can bring more trouble than good to your furry friends.

1. Dress them up as if they were people

The humanization of dogs is more and more frequent. There are shops where clothes (including shoes, hats and scarves) for dogs are sold. Putting a cape on them in cold weather is fine, but dressing them up is wrong. The animal does not feel comfortable and may feel “prisoner” of these clothes. And ridicule him harms his emotional health.

2. Kiss him

Of the studies they claim that kissing your dog may cause diseases to both,  and that each species has its “specific” bacteria that are transmitted through these demonstrations of affection. If  you want to show your love to him, find another way.

3. Believe they have no feelings

Even if they don’t speak your language, it doesn’t mean they don’t hear. Some research has shown that dogs experience emotions the same  way people do. They can feel love, frustration, boredom, shame, and more. And as if that wasn’t enough, they are able to understand their owners’ feelings based on their facial expressions. They understand what happens to you!

4.  Use violence

It is believed to be a form of education and to help them respect the authority of the human. However, a kick, for example, however light it may be, damages the relationship between dog and owner, and causes unhealthy communication. Also,  if you use violence, you will foment the dog’s aggression and resentment.

5. Forcing them to socialize

It is true that dogs change behavior when they are in the company of other animals, but this happens when they are puppies. Already at a certain age, if they have not socialized, it is very difficult for that to happen. If when you take your pet to the park you notice that he is nervous and scared, do not force him to relate to others.

6. Take them everywhere

Even if you regret leaving your dog alone in the house,  many places are not suitable for him. And we are not referring only to restaurants and hotels where animals are forbidden to enter, but also to environments in which dogs are not comfortable. For example, by the sea or in the mountains.

7. Feed them the wrong way

Dogs have a different digestive system than ours. Therefore there are some foods that could cause them inflammation, poisoning and even death. Don’t make them eat chocolate, fats, sauces, or too many condiments. Respect their diet by giving them only dog ​​food.

8. Always leave them tied up

Chains not only cause neck injuries or prevent them from moving, but can also make them sick if they spend a lot of time in bad weather, such as rain or snow. Also, chaining  an animal changes its character a lot,  just as it does when you hit it.

9. Educate them with violence

Dogs don’t understand shouts or violence, but they understand affection and a lot of patience. Bear in mind that a dog has the intelligence of a small child, and needs time to learn. Trust them and reward them, you will see how they improve day by day.

10. Leave them in the car

If you go to the supermarket, bank, or any other place where dogs are not accepted, it is better to  leave them at home rather than in the car. Even if only for 5 minutes, the animal will feel the lack of air, high temperatures and great stress. Put all of these tips into practice if you really respect your dog.

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