The Best Dog Food: Value For Money

The best dog food: value for money

Dog owners can find it difficult to choose the best feed for their pet, especially given the many products on the market. In the following article we will talk about the most convenient foods that do not compromise the health of your furry friend. 

Factors to take into account when choosing food for a dog

This list will tell you what factors to consider when buying a type of feed:

  • The age of the animal. A dog is considered a puppy until it turns one year old. The adult age range ranges from 1 to 7 years, while the elderly range from 8 years upwards.
  • The breed or, if it is not possible to identify it, the size. Your pet’s weight is an important factor. Small breed dogs usually weigh around 10kg, medium breed dogs can weigh up to 25kg and large breed dogs up to 40kg.
  • The level of physical activity to which the dog is subjected. This affects its metabolism and the amount of nutrients  it needs to survive.
  • The environment. The needs of a Siberian Husky living in Norway are not the same as those of a greyhound living in Mexico. Calorie consumption is also influenced by temperatures and the soil with which the animal comes into contact.

dog with tongue out in the meadow

How to choose a feed correctly?

The OCU, a Spanish consumer association, published a report in mid-2017, explaining the exact composition of a good feed,  and how the various ingredients affect the health of dogs.

To assess whether or not it meets the basic needs of a healthy dog, it  has drawn up the following requirements relating to the composition of the food:

  • The energy density or the amount of calories it brings. It is important to know how much food you should give to your furry friend.
  • Carbon hydrates,  very common in so-called extruded feeds. This type of feed is subjected to a thermal, pressure and humidification process to amalgamate the different nutrients and to promote digestion. Carbon hydrates  provide a fiber necessary for intestinal transit. However, certain brands can overuse with hydrates, which end up replacing most of the meat they contain.
  • The proteins. Specifically, quantity and quality. A low-quality feed has a flour made up of pulverized bowels and bones, plant-based proteins or collagen. It is best to choose foods that contain fresh or dehydrated meat. 
  • The fats. Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids can help maintain the pH of the skin and keep the dog’s coat shiny. The quality of the fats contained in the feed is important for preventing obesity.
  • Vitamins and minerals. A feed must contain a balanced proportion and combination of ingredients that facilitate the assimilation of vitamins. For example, calcium and phosphorus must be combined.
  • The quality of the raw materials  (whether or not meat is present in the feed; if so, in what quantity), is important when choosing.

ingredients for dog food

Brands: value for money

Even the daily expense of feeding an animal with the minimum amount of nutrients for its survival  will affect your decision.

The OCU has published a list with the brands of feed that meet these requirements and are accessible to the owners.

Among the first places we have:

  • PURINA PRO PLAN OPTIHEALTH SMALL & MINI ADULT. (1-10 KG.) From 7.1 euros per kilo.
  • AFFINITY ULTIMA NATURE MEDIUM MAXI (+10 KG.) ADULT. From 5.01 euros per kilo.
  • ACANA PRAIRIE POULTRY. ADULT DOG. From 8.1 euros per kilo.

For more information, consult your veterinarian.

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