The Carlino Or Pug, A Dog With A Noble Past

The Carlino or Pug, a dog with a noble past

The Pug, also known as Pug,  is one of the oldest breeds bred in the East, whose origins date back to areas still not well known on the Asian continent. Although their origin is not well known, it is believed that they made their first appearances during the reign of the Chang dynasty, between 1751 and 1111 BC.

A few more details about the origins of the Carlino or Pug

This breed was much loved in imperial China  to such an extent that it was considered a great gift during weddings of emperors and princes. It is a small, very playful dog that was raised in the sacred cities of the eunuchs, in open spaces with people who dedicated themselves entirely to their care.

What is its history?

The Emperor Napoleon did not have a particular fondness for the Carlino, although his wife Josefina di Bauharnais seems to have liked him a lot. The King of England and Ireland William III introduced the Pug into his English kingdom and  Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, showed great affection for this breed, so much so that her Pug accompanied her to the guillotine.

It should also be noted that during the Second World War these dogs were left on the sidelines, so the Dukes of Windsor took it upon themselves to bring them back into vogue. Although  it is not known how the pug arrived in Europe, it is known that at the end of the 15th century they were already at the side of Queen Isabella of Spain. Some argue that the Pug was introduced from Portugal or Holland.

Main features


The Pug is a small and very compact dog, of harmonious proportions and with great empathy. It is characterized by a flat muzzle,  a large and rounded head and a muzzle marked by deep wrinkles. His character is very sweet  and his eyes are large and black.

It has a thick, strong neck, with a broad chest and a corkscrew tail. Its legs are parallel, straight and have a moderate length.

Quiet and faithful character

Despite its imperial character and always seeming a little angry,  this pet is sweet and ideal for children, as it is active, yet calm and reassuring. He loves physical contact with humans and is very sociable, communicative and very expressive.


The color of the hair can be brindle, silver, sand-colored or white with a black muzzle and ears, with spots on the legs and cheeks. The hair is characterized by being short, soft and shiny. The weight of the Pug fluctuates between 6 and 10 kilos.

Special attention


The cornea of ​​the Pug’s eyes is very delicate and the nose is flat and very small, which is why they often have breathing difficulties and that is why it is best to keep them in well-ventilated areas. In addition, their play and education sessions cannot be very intense and they can easily suffer from problems related to overweight and skin irritation. In any case, however, their life expectancy is over 12 years.

On the other hand, however, it is essential that he receives the right amount of food every day and that the folds of his skin are cleaned with gauze at least once a week, to prevent too much moisture from accumulating and bad smells being generated. It should not be washed frequently, to avoid altering the pH of the skin.

Pug wrinkle cleansing  takes a little time and effort, nothing more. In fact, there is no need to spend money unnecessarily on specific cleaning products, nor to pay veterinarians or specialized shops to take care of them, since you can simply do it on your own with a damp gauze.

One tip we can give you is to use your fingers to deep clean the Pug’s skin. Pay close attention during cleaning to any food remains  and if so use a couple of disposable wet wipes to remove them properly. Also make sure these are hypoallergenic.

Pug in the Goya painting

In 1786 the artist Francisco de Goya decided to portray the Marquise of Pontejos together with her pet, a Pug.

Do you have a pug at home? How does it behave? Write it in the comments!

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