The Guardian Angel Of Abandoned Dogs

The guardian angel of abandoned dogs

This is one of those stories we love to tell. Positive news that surprise and touch the heart. Unfortunately, the abandonment of animals is still a difficult plague to eradicate, but there are also many people who are doing everything to win this war. Today we are talking about the guardian angel of abandoned dogs.

Our hero is called Lee Asher. A boy like many others, but with a very noble hobby. Singing and helping animals in need at the same time . Would you like to know its history? Well, read on …

A guardian angel who loves animals

The guardian angel of abandoned dogs

His home is located in Los Angeles, California. Since he was little, he has developed a great passion for nature and animals. Precisely this love has led him to always try to welcome and help stray dogs and cats in danger of life.

As a child, with parental permission, he spent many afternoons in an animal shelter in the same neighborhood as his home. By observing and asking, he began to learn many things. How to welcome and deal with abandoned animals. And most importantly, how to take care of it.

He himself speaks of this incredible vocation : “ I always knew that when I grew up I would have a house full of animals rescued from the street. What I do today is the realization of a dream that does not surprise those who know me “.

Asher and his special family

That child today is a man who has chosen to live with seven dogs and two cats. All stray animals, personally rescued by him and healed both physically and mentally.

He doesn’t consider himself a hero for what he does: “I just try to make myself useful. Acting in this way not only allows you to remove cats and dogs from the street, but above all to save their lives and give them the opportunity to find a new family ”.

Although Asher’s extended family now has ‘only’ 9 animals, in the past it had as many as 16 animals, all together. The fact is that he manages to get them adopted and, after a period of rehabilitation and treatment, his friends move into new homes.

It’s really nice to be able to tell stories like this. They make us understand that, in this cruel world, there is still the hope of changing and being better ..

Other guardian angels of animals

Asher’s case is not an isolated one. There are many people who demonstrate, with their own effort, dedication, respect and love towards animals. So, before you say that the whole world is sick, take a few seconds to read other beautiful stories of human solidarity with dogs and cats.

stray dogs

Here are other  guardian angels of animals:

  • The woman who reads to dogs. Let’s start with a nice lady who spent at least two hours a day in a dog shelter. At first he went to the place to read books to the animals. One way to convey his emotions to them. He talked and played with everyone, often bringing dog treats and treats. Volunteers at the center say that many animals benefited from this special love therapy.
  • The millionaire benefactor. Having become rich thanks to business, this man decided to work hard to save the stray dogs of his country. He went virtually bankrupt, spending everything he had saved to save the lives of stray cats and dogs. A truly extreme gesture of affection.
  • The grandmother who created an animal shelter. Thanks to her pension, this elderly lady is able to take care of over 50 dogs. Her example has infected the citizens of a Scandinavian country who are now helping her to ensure a dignified life for all these animals.

    In short, the seed of goodness still exists . Simple people, very normal, who decide to fill their lives not with futile things, acting in favor of respect for living beings who cannot defend themselves.

    This is therefore the best remedy against the abandonment of animals. With everyone’s help, this fight can be won more easily. Would you like to contribute?

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