The Main Differences Between Toads And Frogs

The main differences between toads and frogs

Toads and frogs belong to the same family, but if you observe them carefully, you will be able to see very evident peculiarities. For this reason, we have summarized in this article the main differences between toads and frogs that will help you distinguish these two living beings more easily.

Let’s find out all the differences between toads and frogs

Frogs and toads belong to the same family of amphibians (together with tree frogs): the Anurans . They have many characteristics in common and others that, on the contrary, differentiate them.

Both are amphibians and have a rounded, short body. They have four legs, with the hind ones stronger and more developed. They have large, lively eyes but, unlike salamanders, have no tails. They can be of many different colors and have a similar diet based on insects and other small animals.

In addition to all these similarities, it is possible to notice some differences between toads and frogs. Some of them stand out at first sight, but most of these peculiar characteristics require a more precise and scrupulous observation.

The appearance of the skin

One of the most noticeable differences between toads and frogs relates to their skin: Frogs have smooth, shiny skin, which usually appears to be completely wet. In addition, they can be of very different colors: some of the most colorful animals on the planet are frogs, especially if they are poisonous (called aposematism). The common frogs that we can find in wet areas will have bright green or yellow colors.

Toad jumps in the mud

Conversely, toads have rough skin, with a dry, wrinkled texture. As for their colors, toads are less showy than frogs. They generally have colors close to brown and quite monotonous. A direct consequence of the different habitat in which they live.

The habitat

Although both species are amphibious, frogs live in wetter areas than toads, which can do without water for longer.

Frogs live in rivers and ponds, or wherever there is enough moisture. Their skin looks wet because, in fact, it is moist. Frogs usually do not stray from their aquatic habitat for too long, although they may make short trips to land in search of food.

Conversely, toads can stay away from water much longer. Sometimes they hide on land and stray for hours or days from rivers or ponds. Thanks to their brown color they are able to blend into the vegetation and avoid possible predators.

Toad rests on a rock

However, it should be remembered that both species lay their eggs in water : after hatching, the small tadpoles will begin a long process of metamorphosis. During the first few weeks of life, before legs and lungs develop, they can safely live underwater.

Webbed paws and toes

If you have come across an  Anuro  and want to know if it is a toad or a frog, and neither the habitat nor the appearance of the skin is enough to clear up any doubts, there are other differences that you will have to take into consideration. For example: their paws.

The legs of frogs are stronger and more slender than those of toads. This way, they can make long jumps to get around any obstacles. On the contrary, the legs of toads are only able to push it on the basis of small jumps, and it will be very difficult for them to climb trees or bushes.

Another subtle difference lies in the fingers: frogs usually have webbed toes, due to the presence of a membrane. An evolutionary ploy that allows him to swim with ease. Toads, more accustomed to moving on earth, do not have this membrane.

The ultimate proof: DNA

Despite all this information, there are species in which the differences between frogs and toads are really minimal. It can happen, for example, to come across toads with shiny and moist skin or to see a frog with short and not very powerful legs.

Therefore, the definitive test for knowing whether an animal belongs to the frog family or toads is a DNA test : some species can only be distinguished at the genetic level. But if you are really interested in distinguishing two animals, you can also try to identify them with the help of a complete zoological encyclopedia.

The differences between toads and frogs are many: the skin, the habitat , the shape of the legsā€¦ These are all clues that you can use to identify them. However, some species are ambiguous and you will need the help of an expert to figure out which species each animal belongs to.

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