The Risks Of Pesticide Collars For Cats

The risks of pesticide collars for cats

If there is one thing we hate about summer it is the huge amount of annoying insects of all kinds that accompany us throughout the hot season.

Favorite victims of mosquitoes, we try them all to defend ourselves from their bites, in some cases with methods that have a scientific basis, in others with remedies more than anything else dictated by tradition.

Our animals also have the same problem and that is why we also look for the most effective remedy for them to prevent them from being stung by insects. The most widely used method is undoubtedly the pesticide collar; however, today in this article we want to talk about the risks that its use can entail, not only for your pet.

Pesticide collars for cats


Cat pest collars have been on the market for many years now, during which time new products such as sprays and pipettes came out.

The collars have been very successful mainly due to their effectiveness and also because they guarantee lasting protection, in some cases up to six months.

The economic aspect has also favored its diffusion: it is in fact a product that costs relatively little. Yet, even if at first glance this option would seem the best to protect cats from mosquitoes and parasites, it may not actually be the most suitable solution: let’s see why.

The risks of pesticide collars for cats

Here are some of the problems that could result from using flea collars for cats.

Accidents due to attempting to remove the collar

Cats do not like to wear anything, so it is very likely that when you try to put it on, your cat will not only resist : once you put it on, it may try desperately to take it off and risk choking.

Watch out for your teeth …

Some cats, especially kittens, have even lost their teeth in an attempt to tear off the collar. This should make you think: if your cat loses his teeth this way, he will have to face a life full of problems.

… and on the heights

A cat wearing a collar can also run the risk of being hooked to some protrusions in the house: if they are protrusions located at a certain height, the risk becomes fatal, since it could be hanged.


Do not forget that, through the collar, your cat’s neck, and therefore its skin, comes into constant and permanent contact with certain chemicals: even if these pesticide collars are always properly tested, it cannot be excluded with absolute certainty that your cat may suffer from an allergic crisis with serious consequences.


Certain components of pesticide collars for cats can be highly harmful to your furry friend, like a poison: this poisoning could cause symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea or, in some cases, even death.


The toxic substances we have just talked about could cause serious sequelae and cause irreversible damage to your cat’s nervous system or liver, or even lead to cancer.


Even the skin and the hair of your cat can be damaged and even if it is not as serious problems as the previous ones, they can be neither undervalued. In fact, these pesticide collars can cause irritation or cause sores or wounds of different importance, especially if the collar has not been fastened in the right way.

Furthermore, the constant friction against the fur and the numerous attempts of the animal to remove the collar could cause the loss of hair in the neck area.

Pesticide collars for cats and children


The love for your pet is indisputable, but even more so is the love for your children: do not forget that anti-parasitic collars for cats can represent a danger for the little ones of the house.

The children’s organism, in fact, is not yet completely mature, therefore it is not able to metabolize certain types of substances as an adult organism would do: for these reasons the toxic substances present in antiparasitic collars for cats can be very harmful for a child.

Do not forget that the smaller the child is, the more likely it is that he will touch this article or, even worse, that I know he will put it in his mouth.

For this reason, if animals and children live together under the same roof, you should seriously ask yourself if pesticide collars are really the best choice: a rash choice can weigh for the rest of your life.

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