Tips For Changing Your Dog’s Diet

There are several reasons for changing your dog’s diet. If you are thinking of doing it, we give you some useful tips.
Tips for changing your dog's diet

A dog’s life goes through phases and, therefore, his diet must vary to adapt to different changes. But at times, this change can be complicated for both them and us. Therefore, in this article we will give you some tips for changing your dog’s diet.

The dog and the food

Meal times are certainly the most anticipated times for a dog. From an evolutionary point of view, dogs have adapted not to vary their diet too much. The main reason lies in the intestinal flora, a series of beneficial microorganisms that reside in the digestive system and help in food-related processes.

The intestinal flora in dogs is less adapted to changes if we compare it, for example, with ours. Does this mean that a dog should always eat the same things? Yes and no. Changing the dog’s diet is something that must be done, but following some steps and at certain specific times.

A dog’s nutritional requirements vary throughout his life, so it’s important to know when and what kind of food we should give our pet.

Puppy in front of the bowl

Change the diet according to age

As with people, the dog’s diet varies as it grows. Puppies start off by feeding on mother’s milk or special veterinary formulas, but as soon as they reach the first few weeks of life it is important for puppies to start eating solid foods.

After the first months, our dog will need a different nutritional contribution: sometimes a lower energy requirement, but where both proteins and carbohydrates are present.

As he begins to age, his diet will have to change accordingly, with more fiber and antioxidants contributing.

To ensure these changes are made correctly, it is best to have the help of a veterinarian or animal nutrition expert.

Surely, one of the first things that will be recommended to you will be that all dietary changes are made gradually, little by little. In this way, the impact for both the dog and its intestinal flora will be less, as the new food will be added gradually.

Dog eating croquettes

Tips for changing your dog’s diet

As we have said, one of the tricks to take into consideration is the time progression with which the changes must be made. A fussy dog ​​will notice fewer changes in his diet if we make them little by little.

The most common thing is that your pet’s bowl will gradually contain more new food over the course of a week.

One trick that usually works is to mix the two types of kibble – or the food we’re including – in the bowl. This way, if your pet is very “picky”, it will be more difficult to tell them apart.

Avoiding leaving the bowl lying around during the day can also help your dog get used to the new type of diet. If the dog is used to eating at a certain time of day, the change will be less traumatic. Be that as it may, always rely on your vet’s opinion before changing your dog’s diet.

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