Tips For Keeping Your Dog Cool In Summer

Tips for keeping your dog cool in the summer

The hot season is one of the most pleasant times of the year. You can spend much more time outdoors and get in tune with nature more easily. However, high temperatures can pose a serious health hazard. During these months, both animals and humans tend to be exposed to various risks. In the case of pets, if certain precautions are not taken they could suffer from heat stroke. For this reason, in the following article we will share with you some useful tips to keep your dog cool during the summer, and away from any kind of risk.

Out of the house


  • If you take your dog for a walk, do it in the evening / night hours. This is the time of day when the sun’s rays are not as strong and penetrating. Avoid taking it out at noon or early afternoon, as it would be a real torture not only for you, but also for your little friend. Also, don’t forget that asphalt surfaces can burn your dog’s fingertips.
  • Whenever you go out for a walk, remember to always bring some water for your dog to avoid dehydration. Bring a couple of bottles of water with you.
  • If you are planning to go shopping, it is better not to take your dog with you. Although there are shops where dogs are not prohibited, perhaps it is better that you leave it directly at home. If you have no alternative but to take it with you, remember to leave the animal in a safe area, out of the sun, to prevent it from becoming dehydrated. Some locals have a habit of creating special spaces for animals by leaving small bowls of water on the ground, so that dogs can better resist the heat.
  • If you take your dog in your car, don’t leave him inside, he could suffer from heat stroke. If you can’t help it, leave your car in a shady parking lot to keep it a little cooler and safer. Do not forget that for an animal to remain locked in the car could be fatal.

Inside the house

  • If you live in an apartment and leave your dog alone in the house, leave him enough water. You can use an automatic water dispenser, so that the animal never runs out of fresh liquids. Make sure it stays in well-ventilated areas, preferably if the air is not artificial. Air conditioners can often worsen the health of pets.
  • If you live in a house, your dog will be able to stay safely in the yard, as long as there is a cool area in which he can lie down. If you don’t have a yard, give your little friend the coolest area of ​​the house.

    What should i do if my dog ​​suffers from heat stroke?


    • Adult dogs and some brachycephalic breeds tend to suffer from sunburn often. It is best to leave them indoors when temperatures are high. It is also not recommended to give them physical activity, which could lead to a noticeable deterioration in their state of health.
    • If you are outdoors, make sure your dog can cool off. Let it enter a fountain or a body of water. You can also possibly wet it with a water pump. If you opt for the pump, wait for it to arrive late afternoon or evening when the sun is not at its highest point.
    • Prepare a healthy, nutrient-rich diet for your dog. It is best to feed him when the hottest hours have passed.
    • If you notice your dog panting excessively and if he appears very weak, you should take him to a vet as soon as possible. In the meantime, help him by wetting his body lightly, using damp towels and wiping them on his stomach, chest and back.
    • Take some fresh water and lightly moisten his mouth. Take an ice cube and rub it on his head. Give him a leg and extremity massage to improve blood circulation. When you see that his breathing has improved, take him quickly to the vet. The specialist will be able to advise you on the best treatment for your dog.

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