Types Of Disguised Animal Abuse

4-legged friends need food, hygiene, exercise, affection and tranquility.
Types of disguised animal abuse

When you hear about animal abuse, you already know what this expression means.

However, it goes far beyond beating a dog or abandoning it. There are some types of disguised animal abuse that can go unnoticed by both the law and the people.

Disguised animal abuse

It is obvious that if you see any animal beaten or mistreated you would go to report it, but there are people who have certain behaviors with their furry friends that are not noticed. Here are some of the most common:


The most common abuse is always done in a malevolent way,  but the disguised one is another thing, since sometimes it can be the result of the great love that a person feels for their animal.

For example, some without realizing it  humanize their 4-legged friends.

They begin to talk to him as if they were people, to make him stay on the sofa or bed, to bathe him too often, to put clothes on him in both summer and winter.

Basically, they forget that they are animals.

This is a form of mistreatment since the animal is denied to satisfy its instincts and to give free rein to its personality. 

Instead of letting the animal have a life as such, it is believed that it can perfectly adapt to the lifestyle of the person who humanizes it.

This creates, as a consequence, animals that are stressed, fearful, antisocial and even with anxious disorders, who are unable to deal with adverse situations on their own.

Abandonment in the house

Abandonment doesn’t just happen on the street. For example, it could be a form of mistreatment to leave an animal alone in the house for more than 8 hours a day, and this is aggravated if it is under the weather or locked in a room.

Dog tied up in the snow

Dogs are social animals that need the company and affection of others, as well as giving it.

Leaving them alone for a long time is a form of mistreatment. If you notice a situation like this, report it to the authorities.

Not granting him the necessary care

Many people may come to believe that giving abandoned animals a home is more than enough for their well-being.

Nothing is further from reality. 4-legged friends need food, hygiene, exercise, affection and tranquility.

Noah’s Syndrome  is a problem that affects people with psychological disorders who fill the house with animals but do not provide them with the necessary treatment.

This is a type of mistreatment that is punished by law.

In addition, sometimes unhealthy conditions arise that can affect people living in the home.

Forced labor

Who has never been to the circus as a child? It was great to see lions and elephants, and nowadays many enjoy an elephant ride in Thailand or a camel ride in Morocco.

But have you ever thought about what conditions these animals live in? In most cases, it is maltreatment.

Elephant at the circus and big top

They spend hours under the weather in extreme temperatures,  and only because their owners make a lot of money.

There was a case of an elephant who cried when he was released from the chains that had kept him imprisoned for decades. A sad reality.

Pay attention to any form of disguised animal abuse, because it is everyone’s duty to think about the welfare and rights of animals. Be brave and denounce!

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