What Is Canicross?

Of all the sports to do with your dog, canicross is certainly one of the most fun. In this article we will explain everything about this discipline.
What is canicross?

If you have never heard of canicross, then you can’t miss this article. First of all because we will explain everything you need to know about this exciting dog sport. In addition, you will discover an excellent way to have fun and keep fit together with your four-legged friend.

It is a discipline that has more and more followers all over the world. The canicross is to run with your dog tied to life, taking part in a real competition.

We are sure that, once you finish reading this article, you too will become addicted to this sport.

All you need to know about canicross

Canicross is an increasingly consolidated sport in Europe. Although it may seem like a modern discipline, it actually has a long tradition in the Old Continent . And it even has an official federation, with its own internationally renowned champions!

Basically it is about running with your dog, wearing a harness and connected, with a special leash, to the runner’s waist . Competitions usually take place in natural spaces, on land, although there are variants that also include paths on the snow and the use of snowshoes.

The team made up of dog and man will allow you to position yourself in the standings and compete for victory. But leaving aside the competitive results, this is an excellent opportunity to exercise together and strengthen your bond. Without forgetting the opportunity to move in the open air, in naturalistic contexts of absolute beauty.

To practice canicross, just a few things are enough: a special harness for shooting (not the one for walking), a wide belt to protect the back from the pulls of the animal and a special leash with shock absorber. Well, of course, you will also need a dog. If you don’t have one, maybe it’s time to adopt it!

Practice canicross

One of the most common questions regarding this discipline is which dog is the most suitable. With respect to age, we can certainly say that a one-year-old specimen, who is in good health, can safely train and compete.

Compared to the type of animal, surely the canicross is more suitable for specimens of medium-large size, between 20 and 35 kilos.

The most suitable breeds for canicross are those that combine strength and sturdiness. For example, the Bracco, the Siberian Husky (or other types of Nordic dogs), the German Shepherd, the Border Collie, the Labrador Retriever or the Belgian Shepherd, just to name a few. But mestizos are fine too: they are often endowed with even greater resistance.

Canicross is not recommended for Molossian and brachycephalic dogs, for obvious reasons related to their particular type of breathing. Some examples: Pug, Bulldog, Boxer, Saint Bernard, Neapolitan Mastiff or Bernese Mountain Dog. Their particular physical conditions are not suitable for this type of purely aerobic discipline and in which running is predominant.

How to train for canicross?

Beyond the breed of the dog, to be successful in canicross, it takes a lot of training and consistency. A close-knit dog-owner couple will be able to achieve good results only thanks to an excellent teamwork and if each race is prepared properly.

In this discipline, it must be considered that the total involvement of the dog can take it beyond its physical possibilities. Therefore it is necessary to be aware of the limits and resources that your pet can put on the track, avoiding excessive efforts that could cause injuries or even more serious consequences.

Canicross race

Before starting canicross you will need to get a medical certificate for sporting activity and have the animal evaluated by your veterinarian. In this way, you can check your real physical condition and rule out any cardiac or respiratory problems.

Once you have the “clearance” from the doctors, it is very important that you start training gradually, especially if the dog has never done canicross before.

You can’t expect him to run 20 kilometers straight from day one. The preparation process must be adequate and gradual.

Train during the coolest hours of the day, preferably in the morning or in the evening, that is when the temperature is below 20 degrees.

The hydration of both is essential and must be strengthened before, during and after training and competitions.

How are the races held?

These competitions are held in natural areas, on land: they can take various distances, from 5 to 10 kilometers. Depending on the type of track, there may be more or less challenging gradients.

Before starting, the dog will have to pass a veterinary check that will authorize him to run. The race can take place in heats or as an individual time trial race. There were canicross trials with 50 participating couples!

In any case, it is essential that the animal and owner respect the rules. For instance:

  • The dog cannot run after the runner;
  • The runner cannot drag the animal using the leash;
  • Any physical or verbal abuse of the dog involves expulsion.

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