What Is The Microchip For Dogs And Cats And What Is It For

What is the microchip for dogs and cats and what is it for?

For some time now, we have been hearing about microchips for dogs and cats. A very useful device that allows you to control the animal and identify it in real time in various situations: theft, loss, escape… It is invisible, effective and does not cause any inconvenience to your four-legged friend. Many people have already chosen to use the microchip: let’s find out together why.

What is the microchip for dogs and cats?

It is an electronic identification device for animals. The microchip for cats and dogs has given great results. The apparatus consists of two main parts: the actual device and the protective envelope that surrounds it. This capsule is made with a special crystal that does not harm the animal’s organism. Plus, it’s very small, about the size of a grain of rice.

siberian husky with microchip

The veterinarian is in charge of implanting the microchip in the animal. It involves introducing the device into the body of the dog or cat. Commonly, this chip is inserted into the neck area with an implementation process that does not generate major complications: the operation is quick and easy. A unique numeric identification code is entered inside the device . It works like a kind of passport.

This is done only once in the life of the animal. The device data will be saved in a database to allow authorized personnel to access it. Not only veterinarians but also zoophile guards and ASLs. The microchip, in fact, contains information on the pet and its owner.

At what age should the microchip be put on?

Typically, the microchip must be installed before  two months of life . The data provided to the veterinarian must be accurate and valid since the recorded information cannot be changed. In the event that the animal is stolen, lost or flees away, the data will be used to be able to trace it back to you owners.

In the event of a change of address or owner, the veterinarian must be informed immediately. He will immediately initiate a data modification process. Even in case of death of the specimen, it will be necessary to inform him.

Piedmont was the first Italian region to declare the use of the device mandatory, which also requires the indispensable registration in the database of the Pet Registry .

Why is the microchip useful for dogs and cats?

This  15-digit device has many uses. Once installed under the skin of your four-legged friend, there will be  protection for the animal, the owner and civil society:

  • From a legal point of view, you will always be able to verify that the dog or cat belongs to you.
  • If the animal is lost, the chip data will be used to find it.
  • It is an excellent measure against the abandonment of animals. Italian law sanctions those who mistreat or abandon their pets.

The microchip provides accurate information about who is the legal owner of the dog or cat. Another way to make yourself responsible for your four-legged friend.

What to do in case of loss or theft of the animal?

It is very unfortunate to lose or suffer the  theft of your dog or cat. Of course, there are preventative measures, such as never losing sight of the animal and adding an identification tag to the collar  . This, however, can detach or be removed by thieves. This is why the use of the microchip is the only effective tool to protect your pet.

cat and dog lying on the carpet

In the event that the animal is lost or stolen, you can:

  • Report the loss of the dog to the Police or Carabinieri.
  • Report the disappearance to the Animal Protection Office of your municipality.

When submitting your theft or loss report, you need to provide some information. First of all, you need to declare the microchip number and your personal data. So, all the information that could help find the animal. Normally, with the help of the device, the retrieval is completed in a few hours.

Similarly, if you find a lost dog or cat, you should go to the places just mentioned. There, those responsible will examine the animal and, through the microchip, it will be possible to return the animal to its legitimate owners, in the shortest possible time.

The microchip for cats and dogs is one of the best inventions of recent times. If you have adopted or live with an animal, you know that this small but effective device allows you to solve many problems. Plus, it’s the best way to reduce stress and worry in the unfortunate event that something happens to your four-legged friend.

Main photo author: Zǐ Liú

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