What To Do If The Dog Is Afraid Of The Hairdresser?

In many specimens, the greatest fear is linked to the use of the hairdryer. Hot air causes an unpleasant sensation on their skin.
What to do if the dog is afraid of the hairdresser?

After the grooming, even if it appears clean, nice and fresh, it may be that your four-legged friend has gone through this experience with a lot of stress. Especially if he cries or tries to escape. In this article we will tell you what to do if the dog is afraid of the hairdresser. We will give you a series of useful tips to make this experience less traumatic and more enjoyable, for him and for you.

Let’s find out what to do when the  dog is afraid of the hairdresser.

When the dog is afraid of the hairdresser

In his eyes, the canine hairdresser’s shop is a very strange place. An unknown person touches your whole body, uses strange tools such as scissors or razors.

She lifts his tail, rubs his ears, then gets him completely wet and hands him the hair dryer, which makes a really scary noise.

Therefore, it is understandable that there are dogs that live with anxiety the moment of grooming .

Each animal reacts in a different way. But, sometimes, we really talk about terror. There are dogs that tremble with fear or try to wriggle out and run away. Other times, they attack and bite the person in charge of washing them. Every effort should be made to minimize the risk of this behavior and make the hairdresser’s appointment something more normal and enjoyable.

Hairdresser styles the hair of a poodle

Why is the dog afraid of the hairdresser?

The first thing you should do is understand why this experience is lived in such a traumatic way.

If it is not essential to take your pet to the hairdresser, obviously to solve the problem it will be enough to give up this whim. You will wash the dog in the house, that’s all.

Either way, there are people who stay at the hairdresser until the dog is done. However, the presence of the owner makes the animal more nervous. With the owner leaving the premises or out of sight, much of the stress disappears.

Likewise, there are dogs who do not want to be alone with the hairdresser: in this case, we advise you to guarantee your presence.

In many specimens, the greatest fear is linked to the use of the hairdryer. The hot air causes an unpleasant sensation on their skin, along with the unusual and annoying noise we are used to.

You could tell the hairdresser not to use it : it will eliminate a sure source of stress. Of course, before you go home, you will need to take a walk in the sun to allow your dog’s fur to dry completely.

It can also happen that the dog does not like being touched by a stranger in delicate areas. Such as under the tail, behind the ears or in the inner leg area.

When you are at home, through games, prizes and caresses, you can get him used to this type of physical contact.

Dog is being washed

Reduce dog anxiety at the hairdresser

On the other hand, there are dogs who go out of their way not to go to the hairdresser. If they realize you are about to take them, they slow down, try to escape, or refuse to walk.

In these cases, to reduce the negative charge of this experience, you can put into practice the following tricks:

  • Follow the road to the hairdresser in other circumstances as well, not just when you bring your pet to wash. Include this itinerary in normal walks, if only to pass by. The first few times, the dog may refuse: don’t force him! Take advantage of positive reinforcement (avoid scolding him) and through rewards and caresses you will get excellent results.
  • Create a positive expectation along the way. Give the dog a toy he likes, throw  snacks or other treats on the pavement, encourage and praise him when he decides to walk the path that once scared him.
  • Once you have overcome the obstacle in the path, go to the hairdresser to do other things. Even simple as to say hello to the hairdresser. Once in the shop, reward the animal. He will get used to considering this place as absolutely normal and familiar.

    By following these steps and with a little patience, your anxiety will subside. The nervousness will lessen and the dog will stop getting stuck and running away.

    These are just a few examples of how you can cope with anxiety in your sample. However, it must be remembered that every animal is unique and no one knows it better than its owners.

    Observe your pet, check how he reacts in different situations in order to understand the reasons that cause him stress when you take him to the hairdresser.

    Canine hairdresser at home

    The problem could also come from the hairdresser’s shop. Let’s talk, for example, about the smell of other animals or the sound of tools and dryers.

    Well, one solution could be to have the hairdresser come home. Just set up an adequate space, preferably in the bathroom, where your four-legged friend will surely feel more protected and safe.

    Dog with towel after bath

    There is nothing better than a familiar and peaceful environment. In addition, it is easier to adapt to the dog’s pace so as not to stress him even more. Thus, unfamiliar places, strange smells and the presence of other people or animals that cause nervousness or fear are avoided.

    Stress-free hairdresser dog

    In some cities, new “stress-free” beauty salons for dogs are emerging. In these places, the hairdressers know the language of the dogs and, therefore, understand if they feel comfortable or if they suffer from stress. They know how to help them reassure them and respect the timing of each specimen, without forcing anything.

    Look for these types of canine hairdressers in your city or neighborhood. Talk to managers to see if their way of working suits your dog’s problems. Then do a test to check first-hand the quality of the service offered and if your dog is afraid of the hairdresser.

    Even if you should never abuse your dog’s fur, it is logical that two or three times a year it becomes necessary to give your pet a complete grooming. Take note of our suggestions and you will see that, with patience and constancy, your dog will no longer be afraid of the hairdresser.

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