What To Do If You Can’t Take The Dog On Vacation?

What to do if you cannot take the dog on vacation?

If you are planning your holiday, you know very well that it is not always possible to bring your dog with you. A first solution could be to rely on some family member or relative. But it is difficult for anyone to accept this responsibility. So: what to do if you can’t take the dog on vacation?

In recent years, everything has been invented, including hotels and pet residences. Here is some information and useful advice on these places designed for the well-being of dogs and cats, when you go on vacation.

Pet hotels: what are they?


A dog hotel is a place where you can leave your four-legged friend for a few days. Facilities where they will take care of him in the best possible way.

Even if there are already places dedicated exclusively to this purpose, the choice may also concern veterinary centers and clinics. The advantage of dog hotels is that they have large open spaces. Here, the animals socialize with each other, they do not remain closed in a cage, as would happen in a more aseptic, cold and neutral space.

The first piece of advice we can give you is, therefore, to check for the presence of hotels and residences for animals nearby. You will find different solutions; the next step will be figuring out how to choose the best one.

Choose a hotel for dogs and go on holiday peacefully

As in the case of facilities for people, not all hotels for animals are the same. It is quite complicated to choose well and, to avoid mistakes, try to move in time. Never wait until the last moment to find accommodation for your dog. So here are 5 steps to follow to choose the best:

  • Check out the opinions on the Internet. As soon as you have obtained the name of one or more dog hotels, take a few hours to search online. You can check their reputation, read reviews, opinions and get a real idea of ​​the type of quality offered by the different structures.
  • Compare. Never choose the first hotel that comes your way. Start a few weeks or months before your departure date and always have a second choice ready, in case the first hotel is full or unavailable. Make a table with all the information: price, distance, opinions, size, types of animals etc.
  • Inspection in person. Never trust too much in the judgment of others. Take the time to visit the two or three structures that have convinced you the most, based on the previous two points. Go to the place, talk to the managers, let them show you the various spaces where the dog will be housed.
  • Talk to other customers. During the preliminary visit, you will surely have the opportunity to meet or cross other masters. Ask a few questions, collect information discreetly and listen carefully to the messages they want to give you.
  • Check security. The last step is to protect your dog’s health and well-being. Even if the pet-friendly hotel looks nice, spacious and clean, inquire about checks, the presence of a veterinarian, the type of food offered, to get a more complete picture of how the structure works. You can always check or ask if the site is recognized by any entity and the policies relating to fires, insurance etc.

What to do before leaving the dog in the hotel?

You have finally found the right and safe hotel for your dog. Before leaving for your well-deserved holidays, remember to organize everything in the best possible way.


  • Make sure your pet’s diet is not changed. If necessary, bring enough food to the hotel for the entire period. You will avoid possible mistakes of the managers and stress to your dog.
  • Bring  her favorite bowls. This way the dog will feel a little more at home, recognizing objects that are already familiar to him.
  • Don’t leave too many toys. It is a problem for those in charge of the center, having to check that other dogs do not use them or break them. They will take up space and will only help make your friend’s space more cluttered. In addition, many hotels have enough equipment and games.
  • Tell staff about your dog’s health status. Please write down all the information on particular allergies or pathologies you suffer from, obviously also indicating the type of medicine and the dosage. Before leaving him at the hotel, remember to update his vaccines.
  • Leave your contact details and always remember to notify us in case, due to an unforeseen event or other, you return to the hotel on a different date. You will help the structure without creating problems.

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