Which Flowers Attract Bees The Most?

Did you know that the work of pollinating insects is essential for the planet? Their function is essential to allow many plants to reproduce. If we want to avoid their disappearance, we can start by putting flowers in our garden that attract bees and butterflies.
What are the flowers that attract bees the most?

Not to sound alarmist, but if the bees went extinct, we humans would die in no time. They are very important for the ecosystem! A good way to avoid this possible scenario is to have a garden that they like and that provides them with a lot of pollen. In this article we tell you which flowers attract bees the most.

What are the flowers that attract bees the most?

Pesticides, loss of native forests and environmental pollution are the main dangers for pollinating insects. The population of these animals so important to nature is declining by leaps and bounds.

But instead of worrying or complaining, we have a chance to do something. For example, we can set up a garden or have flower pots that attract bees. Here are some of the ones that appeal to them the most:


It is a shrub well known for its lilac colored flowers and their very intense and distinctive scent. Lavender plantations are famous because this plant has medicinal properties and is also used as an air freshener.

In addition, it allows us to decorate the garden without requiring too much maintenance. It will be enough to have moist earth and good sun exposure. As if all this were not enough, lavender, which we can see in the photo that opens this article, is one of the favorite flowers of bees. In fact, these little insects love to extract nectar from their lilac-colored bells!


We use it for cooking and to give flavor and aroma to our foods… but they also serve to attract bees to our garden. This happens when the oregano is in the flowering phase. Its small white and red flowers attract the attention of pollinators.

Oregano among the flowers that attract bees the most.

In addition, we can plant oregano and always have it at hand. For example, in a vase near the kitchen, or we can also use it to prepare home remedies. In fact, it is an antioxidant, antiseptic, digestive and antimicrobial. It has many active ingredients!

Zinnia among the flowers that attract bees the most

Do you want your garden to be full of bees, butterflies and other insects? Then don’t hesitate to plant zinnias, which will also add color to your outdoor spaces. There are zinnias in almost all shades, although the most common are orange, red and pink.

Zinnia flower.


Marigold is another flower that attracts bees and also your attention due to its orange color. It is native to the Mediterranean region and Asia Minor, and is part of the group of perennials or annuals (they grow all year round and are in bloom in all seasons).

Marigold among the flowers that attract bees the most.

Marigold is an ornamental plant (ideal for pots and planters). In addition, it is edible (both the petals and the tender leaves) and medicinal (used in creams to treat eczema, scars, wounds and itching).


Also known as lemongrass or lemon grass, lemon balm is another flower that attracts bees and a must in our garden. Native to southern Europe and the Mediterranean region, it is a highly aromatic herb used in infusions.

Lemon balm plant.

Other plants and flowers that attract bees are evergreens, daisies, oranges, borage, lantana, lilac and bluebells. If you want to help prevent pollinating insects from becoming extinct, you can do your part by creating a garden with the flowers listed above. You can be sure that it will be filled with bees and butterflies!

In addition, we recommend that you reduce your consumption of pesticide-treated foods and, if you eat honey, make sure it is organically produced, which does not harm the environment and the bee population.

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