Why Do Dogs Follow Their Owners? Here Is The Explanation

We know that dogs follow their owners everywhere. But do we also know why? In this article we try to find out.
Why do dogs follow their owners?  Here is the explanation

Dogs follow their owners wherever they go: it seems obvious to us. Anyone who has a dog at home will be able to confirm how this becomes a real extension of their owners, ready to accompany them everywhere and seek their approval.

Ethology, a scientific discipline that studies the behavioral expression of animals, is not content with ascertaining animal behaviors, but also wants to understand the reasons behind these behaviors. In this article, therefore, we try to explain why dogs follow their owners unconditionally.

Do dogs follow their owners because of their genes?

According to various experts, the main reason dogs follow their owners is genetics. Being direct descendants of the mammal Canis lupus (the wolf), it is assumed that even domestic dogs have the predisposition to aggregate in groups.

A theory not without controversy, given that most of the ethological studies conducted on wolves to prove this theory have been conducted in captivity.

Many of the behaviors observed in confined spaces may not be respected in a 100% natural environment. If we’re not sure how these wild animals would behave in the wild, with what certainty can we apply the same theory to domestic dogs?

Other scholars argue that the dog associates its owner with the leader element of the group. An idea equally open to debate, given that several studies show how dogs are able to understand, recognize and discriminate human characteristics. Precisely for this reason, as much as they respect and adore us, dogs know perfectly well that we are not a member of their species.

It is undeniable how there is an intrinsic hierarchy between the dog and its owner, but it has not yet been possible to clarify whether this derives from the inherited need to aggregate. Since it now seems clear that the answer to our initial question is not related to a genetic question, we try to explore other options.

Dog walks with the master.

Emotional factors

There are other possible scenarios to explain why dogs follow their owners. Here are some of them:

  • Positive reinforcement : when a dog is used to seeing the owner as a source of positive stimuli. It can be food, toys, caresses or various interactions. Animals, by nature, go in search of what allows them to survive and live well, precisely the owner.
  • Breed : Depending on the species, some dogs are more predisposed than others to follow their owners. We are talking about specimens accustomed to physical contact with humans and that, the more time they spend with their owners, the more they increase this characteristic.
  • Company : Over the years, humans have selected the dogs most genetically predisposed to interact with our species. Precisely for this reason it is not strange that they seek our company without special needs other than to be with us.
  • Separation anxiety : in this case, we are faced with an emotional disorder produced by mismanagement on the part of the owner. Dogs can associate moments of loneliness with stress, malaise and even agony. Incorrect behavior.

As we have seen, there are several reasons why dogs feel the need to stay by their owner’s side. Beyond affection and love, our company favors the survival of dogs.

As observed in the aforementioned studies, dogs are able to understand our gestures, languages ​​and tones. The more time they spend with their owners, the better they will be able to identify the moments that favor their well-being, such as receiving food or the time to go out for a walk.

Dogs often observe and follow us precisely because in this way they can understand the moments in which we take better care of their well-being.

Cane corre con bambini.

A behavior that is the result of years of interaction

As we’ve seen, genetics aren’t always the best answer for everything. Dogs have been domesticated and used to being with us to such an extent that many behaviors that in the natural world would be counterproductive and atypical are repeated over and over again.

One thing is clear: dogs admire and adore us, not only because we give them food and shelter, but also because we represent a point of reference and a fundamental pillar of their daily life. For this reason respecting and accepting their company is something that masters should do.

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