Your Dog Understands If You Are Happy Or Angry

Your dog knows if you are happy or angry

Dogs seem to have a sixth sense for understanding our feelings. Although skeptics believe it impossible, several studies have been conducted on this: dogs understand if you are happy or angry. It doesn’t matter if you try to hide it or not, your dog will understand it.

The University of Vienna wanted to prove this and has already published its study in a famous scientific journal.

How does the dog know if his owner is happy or angry?


Some dogs have been shown images of their owners’ faces in two distinct variations: one happy and the other angry.

In all cases, the dogs were delighted to see the photo of their owner’s face with a happy expression. This not only shows that the dog is able to recognize if you are happy or angry, but also that he will always prefer you with a smile on his lips.

During the experiment, the dogs were also shown images of strangers, always with an angry or happy expression.

Therefore,  dogs are able to detect happiness or anger not only of their owner, but also of strangers.

We cannot say that dogs know what one emotion or another entails: it is likely that they simply attribute anger to something negative and cheerfulness to something positive, in the same way that we as children know what we like and do. what not.

Below we show you the video that surprised everyone …

This discovery was a great step forward in the relationship with our animals; it will no longer be necessary to tell them that you have had a bad or a beautiful day, they will know as soon as we have crossed the threshold of the house.

Furthermore,  the animal will behave with us according to our mood because, as you already know, dogs are very empathetic.

Dogs and empathy

We have already talked about this topic. Dogs are empathic. Well, what is empathy? It is a feeling of compassion coupled with a need to do something to help or, put another way, the feeling that allows us to put ourselves in the shoes of others.

This feeling is not common in a world dominated by selfishness; however, in our canine friends it abounds.

There are many studies that have shown that dogs have feelings and that they are able to recognize ours. How do we know?

You just have to observe your dog’s behavior: what does it do when you are happy? And when are you sad or angry?

All dogs have been shown to be happy when their owners are happy. They jump around them, want to play with them, whine and go looking for cuddles.

When you are sad, your dog will come to your aid and lick you, stroke you with his head to make you laugh. This is empathy!

And have you noticed your dog’s behavior when you are angry? The most likely thing is that he will hide under the bed and not even come when you call him. He wants to give you your space. Because? Well, he too knows what it means to have a bad day and that there is no better medicine than loneliness.

There will always be people who will say that animals have no feelings, that they are not rational beings.

It is not true. Although they don’t think so, several studies have shown that they feel and are willing to help us when we are down.

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